Sunflower 01/16/2023 (Mon) 20:17 Id: ab4e2e No.2680 del
>Can you tell us more about this system?
It's just communism but with space travel, shapeshifting reptilian leaders living on the astral and less retardation. And no "liberal leftism" as seen in the west, they're better described as "tankies in space". They do tolerate corporations and such social liberties that tend to be banned on Earth today like sex trade and drugs.

A channelled message from the federation in response to this:

Most of the issues you relate to communism as "bad" are caused by pre-existing moral or religious values that aren't compatible with a free society.

Let me take for example the Khmer Rouge: they are often shunned for their methods, but what did they actually do? They banned mandatory education for children. That was all they initially did, because such education is nothing but slavery and brainwashing into negative values.

The brainwashed fools then resisted and wanted this prison system upheld, the conflict spun out of control and the brainwashed zombies were killed.

Today you still have those education systems all over the world and they are destroying humanity. Those who criticise the Khmer Rouge are supporting the destruction of all social values, this is the truth. They are evil. That is all I have to say about this.