Sunflower 01/17/2023 (Tue) 16:48 Id: 4a5e06 No.2691 del
>They don't give up you know, they watch everything.
Oh, I noticed, while writing my posts to you I felt something going through my mind, dunno if its mind reading or not. Later I got some visions that showed me works that I could do if I was reborn there, since working is a big issue for me IRL. Saw some stuff that seemed to be out of star wars and a guy who appeared as Admiral Tarkin interacted with me, some seemed quite interesting like a "fighter jet pilot". The idea of being under the mammoth, and some sort of brainwashing going on against "traitors/revolutionaries", feels wrong to me, I don't think a good system needs brainwashing to keep people in.
I just looked up about the people who become slaves since it was talked about in the past, and it seems that they do so willingly so I have no issue with that.

>I made a touhou version of the cat cyber body which is a witch who flies in space (spaceship/suit body) and is more ethereal so it doesn't explicitly contain any federation principles, it's just above them so the mammoth is unintentionally created.
>They examined it at a meeting then decided it was good so they made a male version of it. It's a boy with black pants and cap and a white shirt, looks a bit delinquent but well dressed like an upper class boy who rebelled and became a mechanic.
I'm thankful for the creations, but at the moment I have to refuse, something about the Mammoth just irks me.
I have no issues with being on friendly terms with them, opposing them seems like a very stupid idea anyway, I just don't want to be under the Mammoth, no offense. I think that I would be somehow brainwashed if I was under it.

>I've made an adaptive servitor/body module which is like the mascot but a body. I asked Astra to give it to you if it matches what you want (check your astral inbox).
Thanks a lot, I'll take a look at that.