Sunflower 01/17/2023 (Tue) 20:18 Id: ab4e2e No.2693 del
>at the moment I have to refuse, something about the Mammoth just irks me.
My first encounter with it in this life was when reading djinn waves and seeing it. The greys told me anyone with that wave is unsalvageable. I asked about the people of my country and only got silence at first. When I pressed further I got the reply that
>maybe 60 of them can be saved, the rest are unlikely to ever wake up

The grey then said where I live is a
>conglomerate of spies
and to look up the 14 eyes. I asked how many spies and was told
I investigated further and saw people in dark cloaks standing shoulder to shoulder, was told they're members of secret societies who rule the country. They were using the energy of aborted babies for power so I placed a strong hex on them. The following night I had a dream where I saw the people in cloaks standing outside a church, still shoulder to shoulder but forming a "path" for me to walk with them on each side. When I got to a crypt near the church they stepped aside with no resistance as if they were weak to me or feared me. I walked past them and woke up feeling relief as if a storm just passed.

It was only after this that the galfed showed up and started working with me, despite my first reaction to seeing the mammoth was to hex it. The greys explained that this is the true manifestation of democracy. The galactic federation are constantly killing the galactic federation and they look up to someone who can take out another faction like I did there.

After this they started guiding me and it was implied I was already registered as a member since past lives and my faction had been waiting for me to realize this. And this faction is the astral version of KGB, so naturally they don't like the American faction. There's also something called the red panther who's very active around me, they were the driving force behind the #metoo movement.
Edited last time by bard on 01/17/2023 (Tue) 20:21.