Sunflower 01/17/2023 (Tue) 22:02 Id: ab4e2e No.2696 del
>I assume that's just for this lifetime of theirs, right?
"It depends". The point is that those who formed a very negative mammoth did so because they are already drowning in their own karma and are trying to escape through the creation of "communism". This is the case with our western "elites". Those are pretty much on the last straw now. Not that beings get easily destroyed, but their souls will get stuck in a very bad place.
>what happens to those babies after that? I assume that this happpened to them due to karma
It's absolutely horrible. They have to wait in the underworld or walk as ghosts until their lifetime was supposed to be over. They will relentlessly try to harm the aborter to get back the life that was taken from them. This is one reason women who did abortions are completely insane most of the time. Their children are doing everything they can do mentally torture them for having robbed them of their entire lifetime. You need to avoid such women or you may be seen as sharing responsibility for the crime. If you consider the number of people who willingly do abortions and also accept the negative mammoth, that's a lot of people who are mentally already in hell, and who will be there when they die. Supposedly 40% of American women had at least one abortion, so just from that figure that's 40% who are already unsalvageable. Then start adding in other crimes someone could commit. The greys know what they're talking about most of the time when it comes to statistics.

> getting caught in another "reincarnation trap", are galfed members into some form of samsara?
Same as everyone else, they have technology for it but it's ineffective. Most of the federation are just like Earth, they die and either get reborn or put in hell. It's not a religion, but there is the possibility of moving into their astral organization. Then you're safe.

>Do you know anything about angels pulling a baby angel out of one's chakras?
No, sorry. Maybe they used it as a void portal.