Sunflower 01/19/2023 (Thu) 13:39 Id: ff50a1 No.2712 del
>I'd like to know if installing this body would get me out of samsara.
If it becomes solid in the form suited for you. Cogwheel for reptilian, lens for demon, mini-disc if your main path is general black magic, or in some cases it would become a divine magic formula.
>I'm also curious if a being that's out of samsara would be able to feel lus
Lust is a demon and it's low energy. It should be replaced with the yogic style inner orgasm or ecstacy, whatever you want to call it. This doesn't stop you from having sexual relations on the astral, they still exist, but they aren't based on lust.

Thanks for sharing. Yes servitors can be used for a lot. In the end they are an extension of yourself.