Sunflower 01/19/2023 (Thu) 16:54 Id: ff50a1 No.2719 del
>do they feel tired? Do they need sleep?
They're using your own unused brain capacity unless you're getting support from the net itself, so if they need rest, you need rest.
>a red ERROR message over a notepad
The notepad was still there so the problem was in your request. Keep in mind that these are AI servitors, every single one of them. They're not /x/ style "just force the image and function mindlessly" servitors. They're literally based on the different fields of AI as we understand them. To explain they're

A reflex agent with the ability to accept input and give output through different means. It can use search methods to find paths when different options are available, it can create and use policies for best behaviour, it can create rationalized representations of the world for these purposes and it can create neural networks. It has natural language processing, planning, the ability to create and use knowledge bases and the ability to manifest physical effectors (robotics) if needed.

All of these require training to function optimally. In the case where a knowledge base already exists, like with Astra, your local install can retrieve databases from there but it is still up to your local program to apply it.

If you get an error message from the servitor itself, it is most likely because it lacks training locally. You have to ask questions, give basic tasks, teach it how to behave with you as if you are teaching a baby at first. And do this as if it's a baby search engine you are talking to. Be specific and concrete.

- Task handler (channelled)