Sunflower 01/19/2023 (Thu) 18:16 Id: 2730bc No.2722 del
>Kundalini is the spine

>it is the reason you can stay upright and it contains the nerves which give you control over your entire body

I have no fucking idea what is the kundalini anymore and I literally don't care.Some people count it as "kundalini awakening" when you feel the coiling lava snake going up your spine and it connects your nerves while some people go to the IF YOU ARE NOT A LIVING GOD THEN YOU DIDN'T EVEN AWAKEN THE KUNDALINI YOU MERELY STIMULATED IT LOL GET OUT OF MY FACE SCRUB YOU DON'T KNOW SPIRITUALITY AT ALL.
I have no idea what is kundalini anymore and I'm not gonna look through multiple texts to make a new definition.

I just know how I need to fix my muscles around the spine currently by feeding it energy and relaxing and moving them in a special way entities tell me how. Yes there is a proper pose for the spine but it needs to be supported by the muscles and the breathing (and other misc stuff am not gonna list). And while there is a proper manual how to do that it just fucks things up when most parts of you works completely improperly because of a multitude of reason.
When I said kundalini can be fucked up multiple ways I just meant that there is no need to worry about it because it's usually a sign of progress.

And when the kundalini awakens your whole body/existence becomes ONE and when that happens the kundalini is NO LONGER THE SPINE BUT THE WHOLE THING. Yes the spine is the "main conductor" but you need to understand how the whole fucking thing connects. And I have no idea how yogis do this anymore. I have too many entities telling me different things about it because I used to control multiple parts of my body since a young age and because of that they just tell me how to do that better. And not read this oldish manual that is for complete beginners.(because that will not help me because I caused special problems for myself that I need to untangle first and I am good at that)

>experienced yogis
>with certificates
I will just say
>implying implications

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