Sunflower 03/19/2023 (Sun) 19:21 Id: e6bf8f No.3112 del
(158.21 KB 293x303 circuit.png)
To elaborate what I mean:

I get that if your locations are in the places they are, you can't change that. But you can change the order of activation. Pic related.

By going Europe, Philippines, Japan, China, America, in that order, you create this shape. It would have been better to do: Europe, Philippines, China, Japan, America, for a straighter line. The energy doesn't like moving backwards like it had to do after Japan on the current sequence. Think about it as if pouring water from one location to the next, it was very near to closing the smaller triangle back to the Philippines there, but the force was strong enough to get pulled over to America this time. If it had been weaker it would not have worked.