Sunflower 04/30/2023 (Sun) 19:51 Id: e6bf8f No.3199 del
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If you're feeling sudden isolated pain in your body over the coming days, it's because the Earth dimensions are being forcibly cleared now.

I kept wanting to save everyone or at least give them a chance, but the glowtards have been nothing but super rude until I just tired of it.

The aliens who came to "delete earth because it's a terror planet" offered a 30/70 share contract to clear all the evil dimensions and leave our timeline alone, the 30% benefit is what we get after they're done. In the process they will use a huge "vacuum cleaner" to remove all the dirty energy, and this includes anything in your body so you will feel pain when it's instantly removed. (For the unsalvageable this pain will be immense.) Existence even collapsed from the evil's manipulation after they dragged most beings over to their side. That means, as by
>pic related
That anything you see now relies on the creation/destruction principle, losing connection with higher god planes will mean instant destruction of that person, being or planet.

Some aliens suddenly came here and to surrounding dimensions as a result of this, after their planet suddenly went poof but some of the population still had such a connection.