Sunflower 05/12/2023 (Fri) 18:39 Id: 67f7f0 No.3230 del
>Head up creates a different mentality entirely.
Well according to Sadhguru one should put the head slightly up.
>I tend to close my eyes lately because I feel it's too ethereal for me to look up.
What do you mean by that? Do the higher chakras get too active? Do you start shifting into the astral?
>If he now says 4 h break, then go by that.
Okay. I'll try to do it 2 times a day but at least once a day. But what a leap, from 3 times a week to 3 times a day.
>I breath in through the nose
I get your point of breathing through the nose outside but I'll do the 2x21 through the mouth as instructed and the last inhale for holding through the nose. What I found is that they insist you follow the instructions properly. They even say it's not allowed to teach someone else after you have seen the video, the other person must watch the video themselves to learn it properly. Anyway, thanks. I'm curious if the increase in Gong eventually becomes noticable through this practice.