Sunflower 05/18/2023 (Thu) 16:17 Id: 04854b No.3247 del
>We've been over this.
I'm sorry about that. I don't remember everything and I don't even know if I have seen those posts. So in the end, Simha Kriya only works for somebody who already produces virtue if I understand it right. Or else there is nothing to transform into Gong. I may not even know what exactly virtue is, because to be honest the way it is described in the Falun books is a little bit sketchy to me. Never kill, never fight back, never be with a woman, endure everything others do to you. I get the impression he wants you to become a spineless pushover and punching bag just for the sake of xinxing and this doesn't seem too right to me. But I may not understand it correctly as I didn't read a lot of it. I'll just hope I have enough virtue from my own mindset and worldview and continue to do the Simha Kriya. But it seems that you cannot recommend Simha Kriya to everyone to raise Gong, since it's of no use without virtue and most degenerate "normal" people do not have anything that comes even close to virtue.