Sunflower 05/18/2023 (Thu) 18:40 Id: 04854b No.3252 del
>Read the Pradipika
Alright I'll read it, but I actually not that interested to start a legit yoga practice. I only picked up Simha Kriya as something to do in the physical as addition to my meditations because it is so fast and easy and anyone can do it and get benefits without knowing anything of yoga. I like the exercises that John Kreiter for example recommends, which are all done in the mind (or on the astral) only while lying or sitting down. The only thing physical he does is breathing for energy gain, and even that is to be replaced later with absorbing energy only through the mind and will independend on breathing. I also don't have a mat.
You talked before about the Dun Ma/Ma Bu/Horse Stance. This can also be painful and take a lot of willpower if you stand for a long time. Of course you said this exercise is for gaining martial arts wisdom, but a lot of people on the internet seem to say it's also very good for energy and inner power in general. Can one just do that after Simha Kriya until one is tired and the legs hurt?
Well anyway, from what I get even beginners will get Gong from doing Simha Kriya only but it just takes a while longer. There is no need to rush anyway...probably. I hope it's ok if you can look at my energy after I have done it for 6 months or so every day. I'll post then. I'm currently only a bit over two weeks in so there has probably not much build up yet.