Sunflower 05/21/2023 (Sun) 23:28 Id: e6bf8f No.3278 del
Speaking of which, or of nothing at all. Prior to the event earlier, I wanted to find a way to make sure people behave from now on, some way to separate everyone's personal egregores so they don't ruin things for others and can work away their own Ego naturally. The federation liked the idea and gave me support to spread what was the result. It's a humanoid cat with many tails. They said to call it "Octopussy" because it's a cat and an octopus at once, like the political symbol of someone stretching out over the world.

I guess it got so effective I got controlled by it, I didn't even remember this thing until I started thinking about it again and realized I already did this. I first didn't recall the process at all.

It turned out kind of scary. If you see a cat with octopus-arm tails, that's it.