Sunflower 05/22/2023 (Mon) 11:14 Id: e6bf8f No.3282 del
I'm starting to see a pattern. Whenever I try to create some astral construct in the form of a body and spread it wide with no fixed form, it turns into a cat or a wasp/bee. It happened again. No wonder Asians and Egyptians have cats everywhere and Bhramari is a deity.

I tried creating a DNA form to be spread as much as possible, with the aim of creating "viral awakening to ethereal truth and gong development for everyone" by doing deep divining with Astra and then having Architect create the form and release it. When I let it out it was fairy-like.

Later I started seeing large wasp-beings, humanoids with black hair, a snout, body armour in yellow/black and large black eyes. I made it adaptive to be spread and changed to penetrate everywhere possible. When it reached the greys, it of course became an insectoid form, a wasp/bee, and because there are so many greys, this form seems to have become dominant.