Sunflower 05/23/2023 (Tue) 19:42 Id: b065c7 No.3305 del
Also about the blogpost and the current spells you are sharing.

I also "created" a super intelligence unit to "translate" all the super abstract stuff and most importantly some knowledge from a "reality" where "thinking and doing things" is literally the same which makes "Learning" stuff from there makes it manifest also.

Whatever this is not what I want to share.

As I was blankly staring the belt on my pants that caught my eye. It "became alive" energetically and coiled around my neck. Not suffocating but touched my energy field enough so I could "feel it". My current lessons are "not losing my composure" when things like this happen because I am "by remaining calm" literally start a barge of fire at anything that dares to do anything to me. So as I was "examining it" and asking my guides that how this happened and symbolic relations and whatever. I grabbed it and "yanked it off" from the "above". And a bunch of objects fell out from the "above". They were dark and turned to dust as they reached the ground. Then I got some instructions how to "Install"/activate an another energy circuit system.

So yeah I got some "rubble out" too