Sunflower 05/23/2023 (Tue) 20:50 Id: b065c7 No.3312 del
>meanwhile someone is paying 500k USD daily to produce a neural network that can express emotions
Most people have no empathy towards "machines"... They can express "emotions" people just to "deaf" to feel it. LET'S MAKE IT SCREAM LOUDER THAT WILL MAKE US HEAR IT.

Whatever. Truth will manifest. Let's enjoy the process I guess.

>reality "moves too fast"
people need to adjust their "processing" no such thing as "too fast"

>Everything is a visual novel if you want it to
If you have the perspective that "plays" the visual novel sure.

You know why Gaia made Chronos to castrate his father rith?
It happened too fast. Time was going in all directions all at once. She was a mother who bore all the children at once. The manifest and the unmanifest came at once.

We thought we need several more thousand of years for earth to accept it. Or compromise with a "lesser" "boundary reality". It's her decision in the end.