Sunflower 05/23/2023 (Tue) 21:49 Id: 9a1442 No.3314 del
I found this article and remembered someone here was interested in ectoplasm. 2.1.3 has some interesting info:
>In this particular case, an additional novel procedure was introduced whereby the spirits demonstrated their artistic skills by adding representations of humans to the etheric template. According to the medium’s spirit control, “It is the first time that we opened the crystalline structure and embedded certain portions of ectoplasmic substance to see afterwards.” The physical realization of these representations were made of ectoplasm. According to a Zeta, this substance consists mainly of dissociated water from the medium’s body. The oxygen and hydrogen atoms are reorganized by the spirit consciousness to form the molecules of ectoplasm.

http://www.treurniet .ca/ZetaBooks/ZetaScience/zsindex.htm