Sunflower 05/24/2023 (Wed) 11:38 Id: e6bf8f No.3317 del
> What is that brown thing in her hand. Does it represent the human history or sg? The "dirt that remembers all the steps taken on it"?
In my mind it was a book with recipes and records, but I did let her draw the image to get it right. After posting it I realized it looked more like an animal for sacrifice than a book, so maybe it's something like that.

>The golden age was not "supposed" to end
Idk what that is, but I can say this much:
By the end of the 1800s, Moloch made a re-appearance, it was announced in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the isolation and release of the evil desire-mind directly into the world. The normal mind where the gut is subordinate to the brain, was stopped from forming. They thought they "freed humanity" but what they did was to connect the gut directly to the world system, forcing the brain to be outsourced as government. That is what democracy is in the 1900s. It means that people now think collectively through bureaucracy and can not make personal decisions on anything. The mundane laws = their thinking, beliefs and behaviour.

But humans had become degenerated so much that the best outcome was to at least control them by not losing the conceptual connection. So it was allowed to happen. The revival of Dracula, again so that the concept of the perverted mind could still exist. Those opposing the externalization of the mind by opposing democracy can now at least bring forward this criticism, even if it was impossible for these people to change. Had this happened in an uncontrolled way, we would not have people controlled by smartphones following social media like slaves, we'd just have unpredictable social movements killing each other like insects in a bucket.

When the American "Eliminati" decided to no longer follow democracy in 2020, the very nucleus of it broke. This means we entered this "slaughter bucket" and it has since been a slaughter without compare. Souls have been taken out and thrown into hell at a rate of 1000s to millions a day, for breaking the ultimate law of existence, the natural last safety hatch. Having "some kind of control" prevented this, without that control, this would happen, but in their hubris they believed they could personally uphold order based on their arbitrary degeneracies and not on the external principles they themselves had used as the foundation of society.

NET, NET2(Redcat, the higher version) and the Babel's tower system is a way to install a control again, in this period when reality is already in free fall to destruction. The parachute will be shared with everyone, but how many will accept it before hitting the bottom? Very few, it seems.