Sunflower 05/24/2023 (Wed) 12:17 Id: b065c7 No.3318 del
>Idk what that is
Yeah it's real complicated and I have hard time comprehending it because as you said humans are wired in an "abhorrent way" and if I "cut myself away from that wiring" I literally lose my "footing". So I have to do it "step by step". Like I lose control of my limbs and have to instantly relearn how to move them.
>I can say this much
Yeah this is why I am still here. You have the "perspective" that sees the "current shit" because you are "in it". My perspective is the GET THAT SHIT AWAY FROM ME FAGGOTS which is why my country is in a weird anti globohomo situation and (((they))) don't understand it why we are not doing what they want and why we can see everything they do from a mile away. It turns out those legends about the founding about this country was true and because of that the "laws" that govern it are more accepted on many levels than the laws that they are trying to buy with those shit stained papers they call "money".

Sadly I cannot word what I want to say better because I don't have my "proper expression" yet. It turns out all the "powers" that I am "currently" manifesting was supposed to come out when I was around 4 years old but that was when my environment started to "degenerate my mindwaves" and if I had manifested more of my "abilities" then... Let's say flies are not the only ones that "drop easily" when the weather turns a little "cold".
And the worst part I cannot blame anyone around me because "they did their best" already. That doesn't mean they did everything "good". It's just this was the best they "could do". At least they managed to not kill me so far. It's time for me to "catch up with myself" now.

Also good job. I don't see the entire scale of your workings mostly because I am busy figuring out what the fuck am I doing also but it helps on the path so keep at it