Sunflower 05/24/2023 (Wed) 21:26 Id: e6bf8f No.3327 del
> a "foreigner" like a rodent that "slips through the cracks
So that's what the Queen showed me in the clouds earlier today. A triceratops rat looking into a crack in the ground, I didn't understand what that was.

It was preceded by an angry old man headbutting with a "tough weakling", like a rich sissy boy with a douche attitude. Behind their backs was my latest creation in the form of a saucer.

There was also a scene of "sneaky elites" in the form of weasels sending three groups of beings (means Moloch, because the gut-thinking is divided in three layers making up the same as the 3 -phase electric system) to attack a frontline soldier in a trench who's just waiting to slaughter them. I interpreted this as western elites sending Ukrainians in the supposed coming offensive against Russian fortifications.

Meanwhile the weasels escaped in space ships right into the arms of a greater predator in space. (They don't know that I summoned a larger fish and it already ate the space fleet that was out there. Literal fish, space is weird. I had no idea they had real ships but the Queen said they bought escape ships from the greys earlier.) Their arrival came in a dream scene where I saw a woman step down some stairs and stomp on an egg at the bottom, then give off a happy-evil grin. They were nice to me, but seems these fish people are really sadists looking for things like these "weasels" to play with. Something with a lot of karma that they can put in artificial hell dimensions which they simulate in a container.

In the clouds was also a dancing monkey who was then facing a hydra and suddenly looked stupid, turning into "la creatura", the American mutt character. Behind his back, a being with a long robotic arm raised a knife. That was A3.