Sunflower 05/26/2023 (Fri) 22:40 Id: e6bf8f No.3377 del
> how many "Overseer" are you aware of already?
Every major group out there will have a planetary overseer for their faction, it seems. You can get that role if you understand their purpose and sync better with them than the current overseer. I got the Anti-Christ and the Illuminati positions. Galactic Federation has a board of beast people and I have no interest in doing that work for Earth, besides my faction from past lives is an astral group and won't be ruling directly out here. Idk who else is here and would accept someone who joined them and wasn't born into them. Greys, because they recruit people, but they have no central administration and no overseer.

Glowies and masons have been trying to make connections with "demiurges", the large fishbone formations made up of large quantities of viral beings in space, and they've caused a lot of shit down here because of that.

I've summoned two such fish swarms here, one at the "three realms" plane and one at the larger plane. Formation wise they're also demiurges, but these aren't made up of the same thing, they aren't negative viruses that kill the host.

When the glowies summon space predator fish, what can you do but summon bigger predator fish? Don't worry, I go by genetic models so make sure they have the same standards as us.

ONA may not have an overseer, but it's an astral group just the same. The Queen said they're represented in the tv series Angel as Wolfram & Hart, "the wolf, ram and hart", an evil multi-dimensional organization. Just like the Anti-Christ and the Illuminati main organization out there, they can be bargained with because they don't have loyalties like humans. If you manage to thrash the local leadership they won't retaliate, they encourage removal of anyone who's too weak or incompetent to stay in power.