Sunflower 06/01/2023 (Thu) 22:41 Id: b065c7 No.3437 del
Sadly I am bad with chatrooms especially now that literally all of them are dataminers. I am not even online for the most time of the day. This is why I am on this board. No need to be here "constantly" and everyone had their share of "spiritual development" already so being ridiculed for sounding "too crazy" is not a thing here. I always liked how forums and imageboards operated but I really hate how discord creates a short of "hugbox" and even trying to monopolize it. Hiding all those conversations from the "internet community" while hoarding all that data for god knows what.

I think it is better when you can hear Multiple perspectives instead of my "Broken tutelage"
I am not even sure if I should "Interfere further" the Queen operates a "little differently" than me. Not to mention BO has way more experience with her than me.
This board is really a "Queen board" already as stated here >>3356
We are not the only ones contacted by her. Other anons are also guided and protected by her and I think your experiences can help them also.

I have felt how lost you feel currently but I don't think I will be the one to show you the way. The Queen doesn't even want me to "guide you". It seems she sent you here to "recover a perspective". It seems you are trapped in some viewpoint and she wants you to realize something. I don't know what. I feel the resistance in my mind trying to figure out what I want to say.

This is why I avoid "constant posting" because I need to "digest" some complex concepts between them.

>I basically am just doing whatever the Queen wants
I think she wants you to understand how to "think for yourself". A really hard concept but there is an important willpower perspective. How will you act when you are "left alone". There is a point in these "guidance paths" where you are "left in the desert" and you have to "survive on your own". And find your "Inner strength" or show your deity if you can "find them" by "looking inside". You need more will to handle more power while being possessed hampers "some" of your willpower.

I am missing something. I am missing what I am trying to say. Maybe it is not even for me to say it huh...