Sunflower 06/15/2023 (Thu) 20:15 Id: eb86fc No.3516 del
So you are not that poster. Good. I don't have to longpost then.

>feel free to read
Better not. It seems I managed to confuse myself with a bunch of new energies again so better not ruin things.

>my soul seems to be strongly associated with fire
That is good btw. Fire is a truly strong transformative force. It can make great things if you can handle it. I too am sorta fire oriented. More akin to an active volcano... according to my guides. Tho I have worked with different sun and fire energies and I don't consider fire to be a "single" element.

>Been hoping that won't make things difficult since been considering becoming a vamp or succubus/incubus myselelf.
I think it is more of an advantage and maybe you can even aim for an even higher existences with it. But who knows... the path is long

>much more alive and fun just 4 years ago
Somewhat I miss it and somewhat I know that I am too addicted to the internet and slowly I need to let go of it but yeah. It's a shame how things turned out.