Sunflower 06/16/2023 (Fri) 14:20 Id: 533d78 No.3523 del
>if I'm understanding this right you are basically saying the further back an event the more stricter and resilient time becomes if I'm reading this correct?
Not exactly, it depends on if that specific timeline "is real" yet or not. Things don't progress like the whole world moves at the same speed. Instead it could be that one area is way behind. One thing I found for example was that after my 1800s London lifetime, I reincarnated in Japan in the 900s. That area had only progressed to the 900s when UK was at the 1800s. This happens naturally and doesn't follow any logic regular humans can grasp. There are some fringe timelines that are still back at period 2 of the Ages of Man, ~150 000 years ago. The events referring to that specific line, no matter how insignificant, are placeholder events. Once it's played out, some minor details can change, and historians will "find new records" and update their understanding of the period.