Sunflower 06/18/2023 (Sun) 17:51 Id: e785a1 No.3556 del
Thanks, this girl works because it matches my ideas about what I find cute.I actually thought so when you posted it.In general the cuter and friendlier the better.It relates to many things for me.Its actually the opposite with the whole piranha thing.i have a fight first tendency in the Astral that I can only delay slightly,however the more cute something is the less I feel it. The energy can be used to give hugs. Something that's nice blonde blue eyes skinny and nice and feels harmless is seemingly the safest 'type' for me to talk with.ofcourse not delicate in terms of actual astral durability since that would make me get tension as to not hurt them. Basically I respond to every tension by just attacking which means me not wanting to attack can create tension which causes it as well.I also fight sometimes out of friendliness even though it's still very intense,it's sparring to me because I have a different. way of seeing things. Direct "simple" warfare like a punch or a bite is barely a fight to me,just a way to entertain myself.