Sunflower 06/20/2023 (Tue) 22:41 Id: 177ff4 No.3584 del
Was having a sit down with one of the Succubus today and they were teaching me the four components of a human soul which is light, dark, love, and Divinity. Took me 3 hours of talking with her because she wanted me to learn of them myself but she said to me when you learn of these 4 aspects it allows you to understand and alter your own astral form.

She also explained that the mark that was given to me is a mark exclusive to Eisheth which allows one to alter their astral DNA once complete and since I now know these aspects of the human soul I could manipulate the symbol to amplify it if I wished to make myself more stronger as a succubi after my ascension but warned doing so will make me more suspectable to the succubus energy during the transformation process. Going to be spending the next month preparing my body, mind, and soul for the amplifying ritual.