Sunflower 06/26/2023 (Mon) 19:23 Id: eb86fc No.3603 del
>I don't know what you are talking about most of the time when you get into your personal workings

Yeah I know. Especially because when I start to write them down I feel that I am just "mumbling to myself". I know that they are not making sense. I had to realize this was the reason why my mind "split" when I was little. My "original mind" just couldn't "come through" properly. The environment wasn't suitable for it. My "expression" is still "calibrating" itself. It's a weird thing when it comes out properly. Like I know that everyone that was around understood what I said. And no not the usual "feedback" like system humans have when they "nod in agreement" but a sort of "proclamation of truth". It's like I said something that everyone knew but didn't realize before. Hard to explain better. But sometimes someone understands what I say nonetheless so why not say it anyways.

>Some of them are super evil and hostile
One of my earliest lessons were learning to handle this kind of "hostile energy". How to diffuse it and how to use the "innate human ability" of "beast taming". I can't explain it sadly because it is animal psychology but extremely applicable to humans and beings that are "driven by their base emotions".

But yeah it seems these are
>left as target dummies
for you. I never really get how are you able to constantly "provoke them". Maybe it is the continuation of your "natural selection" force of nature lesson. I mean
>There is the occasional one who can be converted
You are doing the "natural selection" this way it seems now.
My way is different and I cannot share it because it is incomplete. Had to realize the "advanced energy flows theory" when I realized I had a bunch of retarded loosh farmer implants in my body and "stealing them back" is absolutely retarded.And as much this theory is "advanced" I am still not advanced enough in it's application which means I would talk about something not even I comprehend fully.


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