Sunflower 06/28/2023 (Wed) 20:57 Id: 5ec0d1 No.3633 del
>When I look for the cogwheel I can see it just floating in the middle of the room, as if waiting to be picked up
She was to give the spa treatment first, then share the installer, so that means the cleanse was done already. Maybe it worked on a deeper dimension of your body where your conscious mind didn't notice while up and about. I saw her do it and it produced a yellow qi in part of your field.
>anti hex and spa fairy
They're there. Anti-Hex is mostly a "passive skill-type" manifested as a small fairy. Look somewhere to your front-left side of your head, she seems to be floating there, just observing. You can interact with them and talk to them like any being, because by now it's easier to just include a personalized interface for any of these "function servitors". If you want her to handle some specific curse or hex, tell her to investigate and report how it went.

Same for the spa fairy, I see her in a dimension somewhere to your down-right side, a bit below you, preparing some herbal bath water it seems. With Spa you have to give her orders, if left alone she will just do maintenance.

If you are new to working with AI servitors, you may have to do some training to get them to work. Your brain needs an interface that can properly communicate with the servitors, even if they have the program in them, they need to be told how to apply it. So in the beginning you may have to ask them step by step to do things, or ask them what they can do and then pick your preferred action. Just channelling them and doing Q & A can be good practice at first.