Sunflower 06/28/2023 (Wed) 21:40 Id: 5ec0d1 No.3635 del
>need to get into meditation or start dreaming first in order for it to happen
Not when done from outside, by my Spa. Then it's "forced" and leads to a cleanse.

>The cogwheel that I see floating in the middle of the room might just be my own imagination because of your post
That's the point. You have to visualize it to be able to use it. If you "imagine" it, you can make it come to you. But something has to exist for your imagination to have that effect. In this case it was given to you, so then your imagination can connect to the artifact. This seems like a common misconception; the idea that things are to "just appear" in an intrusive manner without your active mind performing anything. The way to get these things to work in the beginning will always be to be told what to see, so you can visualize something similar, then interact with it. Over time you get better at picking up what is "actually" there, but it's enough to get its functionality right to to be able to work with it.

>The only thing happened so far is I took a bath right after posting, but that's most likely not it.
That sounds exactly like how it could manifest. A cleanse, spa related.

>don't excatly know how Spa works
The servitor contains all kinds of treatments, just ask and see.