Sunflower 06/29/2023 (Thu) 15:42 Id: eb86fc No.3648 del
>it's not about the semen but about the energy

Semen is a "carrier". For mundanes it's a "genetic carrier". Now in spirituality you are going to "Impregnate" that semen (with a special type of energy) and instead of cumming it through your dick it will sorta "burn" (inside you) and turn into some high energy carrier that "impregnates" your "mortal flesh" with a new "evolving essence".
I am not well read in semen retention nofap bullshit so I can only talk about how I experienced it so far.
For me the problem was (according to my guides) that I am "denying" my sexual energies. They even started to recommend me females IRL to find a way to "embrace it" but currently I don't have time and patience for that. So they taught me "other ways".
I even had to "flush out" a bunch of energy circuits because it turned out when I fapped I only did it so "denying my sexual energies" takes "less effort". Now the problem was that after my energies started to go through the roof my body couldn't handle it. My guides even told me not to "upset my body balance" in any way because my body is not "accustomed" to these high energies. They told me to not fast (when I feel hungry eat) and understand my hunger and I must not "fight" my "sexual urges" because "fighting myself" is "not the way". I must "embrace my sexual urges" and "let it do the real process". The problem was that most of energies were "dormant" and when they "awoke" I had no experience handling it. I intuitively knew how to do it but didn't have the "practice". So I had to handle my energies with a "familiar" way so the "familiar way" can be "overwritten" with the "new way". The problem with "sudden" awakenings is that your "old self" and "new self" starts fighting or "panicking". In the truth they are both the same they just need to realize it. It's just you are as strong as your "weakest parts" so you have to "fix those first" so you don't collapse under sour "own weight". It's like the first airplanes. They finally "flew" but the "wings broke" when it "took flight" then instantly crashed.

Not to mention that I had other issues and they had to be fixed first too. While there are "semen obsessed" traditions and they have truth in it but for that to work you need a practice that "guides that semen".
It's a complicated science and I don't feel the need to write down my findings mostly because it will just sound like an incomplete schizo babble.

>never orgasm
Also orgasming has a very important muscle movement and most tantric and yogic exercises are about using those muscles the "proper way". A properly working human body "feels better" than any shitty orgasm not to mention a proper love/babymaking orgasm can last for years (but you shouldn't do it for the orgasm itself. It's just a sign that you did "everything the way it should be"). Hard to talk about it because these feelings change in the "way they feel" and in "their magnitude"