Sunflower 07/01/2023 (Sat) 21:06 Id: eb86fc No.3692 del
>karma kept gathering
>below my right shoulder blade
When did you notice this happening first?

Because for me it started many years ago but I only noticed it months ago. It caused an improper posture and I thought it was my fault. Well it turns out it is a "wound" that I got from the early vampire days (2015-17 maybe?). In a dream I got stabbed with a red fang in an end world scenario where my powers were manifesting. It was a doomed timeline but I recovered some parts of myself with that dream. But I also recovered this "curse". It turns out it is an ancient blood or more accurately "bonemarrow" magic. It's originator is an ancient devil with long curved fangs. His fangs grow all the time and it is possible to break them off. Getting stabbed with that fang changes your "ancestral blood". He can claim to be your "ancestor" with that and claim your stuff as it "came from him". It is absolutely retarded. The only reason why his fangs are "forbidden weapons" because you can stab anyone with it and the victim becomes weak because it blocks/disturbs his "origin power". For it to work perfectly it needs to be stabbed from the back in a way it goes through your heart and lung. That way all "blood circulation mechanisms" are affected. Some days ago as I was meditating his image came to me for the first time and he started a mantra how "I belong to him etc". After thinking wtf is this my guides grabbed him and beat the shit out of him and while he was apologizing he didn't know what he was doing my guides drained his blood and put him into "servitude" until he unfucks all this damage his careless "artifact giving" caused. My guides told me this is not exactly a curse but more of a "method" and most importantly it seems the "vampirism process" makes you susceptible for it. It opens parts of your being that is easy to "stab" (it is more about the internal dimensions and the way the body interacts with them). While this thing kinda "wears off" on it's own or with some energetic practice there is a way to renew it with his mantra. So if he "likes you" he can keep it as long as he wants it. Similar to the ancient vampirism "embrace" but the point and method is different.
Wanted to talk about it days ago but because now that he is removing all the damage he caused my energies are soaring but didn't think this is important with all the things going on at once.

Not to mention that anti NWO thing of yours unleashed a bunch of energies and some of their stuff came into my way urgh. Like wtf. They are mixing ancient homoculus arts with (((modern science))) an absolute travesty. Had to expand my dimension shifting understanding once again. Seeing their (((laboratory))) in a dream today was one of the most digusting experience of mine not just visually spiritually too. Firebombing all those places are a merciful act ffs.

At least I had a reason to talk with the demon Buddhas today. Kinda forgot about them already. They are in hell for various reason but usually for "practicing their compassion". Sitting in the heavenly realms is too EZ so they are fine tuning their "perfection"... They just told me
>Everywhere we go is heaven already
This is why they are in hell. At least it makes a "difference" there. Not to mention testing "their immunity to evil" Learned a lot new purification methods again.
I lost the topic again...
Too many things are happening at once...

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