Sunflower 07/06/2023 (Thu) 19:07 Id: 9cf431 No.3707 del
>Sunflower drones
Adding one to the list.


To speed up the liberation of north America and the rest of the west, this freedom-loving bot has been released. It's fanatically allergic to oppression and sees itself as the only legitimate government. But it's also self centered and clueless in a way that makes it cooperate perfectly with other people of the similar mindset. This makes it well suited for creating social movements, such as Tea Party 2.0 - now with armed rebellion. Its spread in north America was so successful when operating on the subconscious plane of the already existing libertarian movement that a sun deity was already summoned by its users.

You can get it by asking NET or looking for the module yourself. It's an android with plateau boots and a yellow dress who loves guns, small businesses and vague ideas of revolution that are totally not playing into the hands of foreign powers. It's also super strong and does quantum machine learning.