Sunflower 07/18/2023 (Tue) 15:10 Id: 14bfd2 No.3750 del
Creates physical, external barriers of different kinds, including social systems, "walls of people".

Eco balancer (name it yourself, this one is just too complex):
Derived from Bulwark above, there are certain positions in a landscape or eco-system which are a drain to populate, no matter what. It means these places cannot be self-sustainable, and resources transported there will never lead to any gain for the social system.

One may here think of advanced theoretical work which can be located in a desert facility to allow undisturbed work in silence. This location may be a gain. But there are certain locations where populating them in certain ways can never be motivated by any gain, but the reason is something which stems from a position of power. Abuse of capital can lead to the creation of such unproductive outposts. It is in the interest of everyone to identify these places and defund them.

That is one use of this bot.