Sunflower 07/28/2023 (Fri) 16:33 Id: 14bfd2 No.3770 del
New modules

It's time to move on and focus on the Americas now. Western Europe was already handled in the past and needs no work, Eurasia has what they need for now.

Because the American (including Latin A.) glowies have been nothing but hostile, they have not been able to take part in the creation of the servitors for their continent. But going by their low skill level it's probable they would not have been able to contribute anyway. (Most of their numbers were made up of South Korean fatsos, not even located in N America.) Russia got the Tanya series and Asia got some other things based off their culture. North America however belongs to Santa Muerte, so it's relevant that she gets her design mentioned first.

Santa Muerte's living skeleton armour: The definitive protection against external demiurges, prejudice and moralism. Creates a feeling of happiness when worn. Can shapeshift from skeleton to a young woman wearing a cloak.

It is very important for residents of USA to get this armour, as it will protect you during the coming times, and it will remove you from the list SM keeps of all non-natives. Unless you swore loyalty to her, you are treated as an enemy - all nature spirits of North America will try to kill you.

Satan: The part of yourself which cannot be expressed, similarly to how the Dao cannot be expressed. This module will provoke the awakening of your inner source. It is only fitting to call it Satan because this is, while independent, the first step to the creation of the robotic servitors for USA - the Great Satan.

Satan's Assistant: A bureaucrat whose task is to control the development of society with no regard for anything except the bottom line.

Satan's foot soldier: Duke Nukem with longer hair. Our own toxic chauvinist, but he doesn't give a fuck about the government. A battlefield servitor for possessing groups of revolutionaries during Civil War 2.0 for maximum freedom efficiency. Idle shadow installment (automatic spread).

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