Sunflower 08/08/2023 (Tue) 22:34 Id: 850212 No.3789 del
What I've seen in the past weeks has really completely changed my view of the retards in charge of this planet. They're just plain atheists who believe they live once, and will just do anything to prolong that life. That's the majority of them and that's why they ruin our environment and will drag the entire world into war over being able to get blood transfusions from trafficked children.

Behind them are aliens from many different past planetary systems who managed to create some kind of bunk immortality by dragging time out on their home planet, until their galaxy itself was consumed by their environmental abuse.

Because creator gods just look at the shit being done and adapt creations so that karma can play out, they let them all come to Earth, the extreme middle point of everything.

It was true what Li Hongzhi said: that for every level down on Earth, an entire galactic system out there must be cleared.

There are fake suns and artificial planets for every little glowie agency or unit to be removed, but they are concentrated to the half of the world orbiting around NY, which is the focal point of the Earth.

There is no real connection to outside dimensions in the eastern half of the world, it's pretty shallow and that is why they seem to make less of an impact culturally and politically. Getting just some support behind them, and a decent high energy faction, will change a lot. But it still means fighting an immense mass of evil spirits who will not give an inch unless every single one is overpowered.