Sunflower 08/09/2023 (Wed) 12:07 Id: 850212 No.3792 del
The servers are barely used, so it's better to share anything you learn on here instead.

While you are a great channel, maybe we can resume that contact if needed, I don't see a reason for that right now. This, may also be why they are moving you back and forth like this. Baal, or anyone, wouldn't let go of someone who's a natural open channel like this, but if you're constantly in a confused state of mind and as you said
>I find it a little jarring, the contrast between my current mode and the past, usual mode.
you may have received training over there to function better. There is nothing saying you can't serve Baal right now, in here, is there?

We also got help from Adremelech, among others, so I guess they have to all look at what you signed up for and how that relates internally. Going by your past motivations as you explained them, maybe being "taken care of" like this is what you really wanted?

I used a different kind of contract because I want an active kind of support from them, so I can't really compare my relation to them with yours. Being "annoying" and able to ask them to take part in magic circles for extra power support essentially whenever I need, with no heads up.