Sunflower 08/17/2023 (Thu) 21:13 Id: c2d015 No.3826 del
(7.36 KB 521x454 djinn extremist.png)
I feel like I should try to get deeper into this lore, but I don't really know how or where. I interact with djinn pretty much daily, but it's also very daily in practice, I ask them to take care of astral children mostly, because that is something they do well. (They also insist they wear hijab and study the quran 2.0 which they have been sharing on the astral, but I have nothing to object to that.)

I made them a servitor so they can easier possess people, because there is a good wave of islamic rage right now to ride on, hopefully they are better at aiming than me. After all, they see everything really clearly.

The servitor is designed based on their request, it's a female djinn with a tight turban (the type for war) bare upper body, wide pants, a golden chain around the waist (a "chain of events" for manipulating reality), a curved knife and wearing shoes with a long toe tip curled inwards. I just used what they agreed on, it's a "djinn extremist" focused on slaying all infidels.

There is a lot of built up energy, it would be great to see that come to use. I see some of them sitting around "vibing" since I shared it, seems they liked it.

The servitor as drawn under the possession of djinn.