Sunflower 12/28/2021 (Tue) 20:34:59 Id: e03f19 No.404 del
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That's all fine.
One of the things I had to see and learn in this life was that despite my anarchistic anti-centralism mentality, I really do best as a cog in the machine so to speak. It just has to be my type of machine and no one else will tell me what role I should play without doing a correct assessment of my potential. The current world is trying to disrespect me. It doesn't matter to me if this organization doesn't exist, I will just create it. I'll be the king, the army, the street thug and the merchant all at once, until I find the right people for the spot.
This kind of highly collectivized mentality may be the reason for the galfed support. I want to be able to focus on the details, my little scope of them, and know that everything else is being handled by other people also tending to their details. My main objection to the modern world is its utter incompetence. Our leaders are iq69 substance abuse extremists who cheated their way into a control position and have been abusing it for 1000s of years. As the commander and the executioner, I will have to bring them to justice. It's not tolerable what they have been doing and they will pay back in full.
As long as this can be done, I'm fine with syncing with space communists. If they were as incompetent as the earth leaders, they wouldn't support me. I don't have morals, I respect strength. When I see someone claim to have it, I will test to see if they do. So far what I've faced in the world has all been fake. I respect real authority, but I will slaughter anyone putting on a uniform thinking this will protect them with nothing to show for it.
The current western world is filled with empty uniforms, but as everyone else are also cowards faking it, they don't dare calling the bluff.
I'm here to put these card houses in the trash.