Sunflower 01/16/2022 (Sun) 13:30:35 Id: e03f19 No.504 del
(102.52 KB 500x731 bodhidharma.jpg)
>Do we have a proper understanding what is in the 5th dimension?
It's the lowest enlightenment level, corresponding to Bodhidharma and zen buddhism as far as I know. The new age community tends to put a lot of focus on the
>ascension to the 5th dimension
thinking it's something that will happen collectively to all humans. I don't believe that will happen, but then I'm left hand path so I focus on myself and my friends. Collective ascension is a RHP thing.
I think they imply that galactic starships are in the 5th dimension, which I guess technically could be true for some of them, but their crews would all have to be the level of Bodhidharma then. Why would they interfer with humans?