Sunflower 02/05/2022 (Sat) 21:53:42 Id: 859183 No.687 del
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Schizoid tutorialposter from the old 8kun board, reporting in. Things have been pretty interesting since my chatting with BO and that hopeful seeker on Discord. /sunflower/ represented my first direct cotact with LHP wizards, and 3 sessions of contact I made with associated entities have helped me massively. Before making my first tutorial post there, a succubus from the collective taught me how to develop the kundabuffer organ.
My delve into gensokio and the cannibalistic initiation I received allowed me to fully accept the "negative" nature of my own being, and take hold of power I was afraid to use due to the mental block that is morality. Further talks with Yuuka provided a theoretical understanding of these innate aspects I had once rejected. BO's intermediary act of passing on my old mentor and ages-past commander of the Federation war fleet provided the last piece of directed, unyielding materializing focus to take hold of reality. Of these, the first two are totally new revelations that I've attracted with a spell towards the end of my "previous" life to ensure this one is the definitive one with which I achieve my ascension (which in a roundabout way already happened and always had, nonlinearity of time and all that), the latter is a holdover from my time as commander and chief enginner of the light cruiser Luna.

I used these things to shift my autistic rejection of reality as a concept, into a total egoistic focus which I then cast as a spell. The thing I decided, somewhat arbitrarily, to claim for myself with this newfound control, was limitless wealth and total financial freedom. I decided I wanted more money than I could possibly use, and made that a reality.
With that shift in attentive power, the state of internal tension I held myself in has vanished, and I've found that my mental influence over people as well as reality hasn't diminished, but grown more extensive instead. "Suggestions" are no longer forced, but melded into the fabric of mind and energy, manifest in a subtler, but much more complete form.
In the months since, I've been exploring this position of split authorship over my own reality (with my still incomplete local being taking more and more of the aspect and arbitrary power of my total self). Telekinesis of dense "physical" objects is still hard, but no longer totally impossible.

I'm currently in that position to ignore things, and the effect is interesting. Yes, you can focus on personal growth much more, but I now lack a driving conflict to care about. External pressure is a massive help to internal development. With little left to fight, I turn to punishing the current masters of the Federation for engineering a project which, in marking the weak for removal (which I see no problem with), have also marked members of my present family. Their worlds will be bathed in fire and blood.
However, they are at a comfortable distance and are not (currently) opposing me. This comfy state of affairs is not good for growth.
You can do what I did if you want, but designer clothes and fancy gadgets aren't as nurturing an environment as the grime of a battlefield and the weight of a gun. It's your story to write, so write it.

Clownpiece has also reached out to me, and observes with a mixture of playful interest and chaotic malice. This is a being of immense power and nebulous interests, tread with care in accepting any knowledge or wisdom.
And the teachings she in particular offers could destroy an unprepared sorcerer. If they don't, she knows your use of them will make the world so much more nonsensical and interesting. Win-win for her.

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