Sunflower 06/27/2024 (Thu) 11:46 Id: 4d2c22 No.8159 del [Embed]

So martial arts journey guy posted this. Apparently his leg was fucked up for good when doing BJJ.

Watching this, commenters with their own channels have started talking about how martial arts have ruined their bodies. [Embed]

I'm starting to see a trend here, connecting to something that's been going on in the past 5 or so years quite openly: elite sport practitioners are coming off as unhealthy addicts.

Locally it's been reported more and more in media how they often go in debt to participate in competitions, they have trouble with debt collectors and harm their bodies with bad training methods and diet. Some have been told not to advertize their lifestyle on social media because they are "representing an unhealthy lifestyle for a youth audience".

Maybe this is an age thing which is communicated from the egregore, but I noticed I myself don't view training very positively anymore. I used to fight these "anti exercise" narratives for a long time, in the 90s (although this was true for that group) it was common to say that anyone who went to a gym was on steroids and would become an impotent skin-rag when older.

The Internet has provided too many examples of what injuries one can get from exercise, both direct from mishaps during training and long term from wear. For example Stefan Sauk (internationally mostly known from playing in the original The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) used to be in advertizing for karate equipment, he's a black belt with a history of winning competitions. He had to get hip replacement surgery for worn down hip joint turning him into a cripple at 50.

Other sports practitioners either kill themselves from depression or get brain damage from being knocked out in boxing etc.

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