Sunflower 07/31/2024 (Wed) 16:33 Id: 25b602 No.8523 del
Again with the Ego-thinking. So boring.

These posts are warnings to said glowies, some physical and some spiritual. They're not "threats", they are simple warnings which I have to give, because they are in serious danger when they attack me. Anyone else wouldn't have posted these, but would just have killed them with no warning. So because I'm applying benevolence and giving them a chance, it's interpreted as "boasting". I'm being very modest and tolerant here.

They read what I write here. This has nothing to do with what anons did years before I posted anything about this.

What's even the point anymore? Is there anyone here outside 2-3 anons who even care about their own spiritual improvement and the collective process of planetary ascension?

These little Ego-focused smug-comments are an expression of a very retarded thinking on the spiritual scale. Evil spirits will be upset when someone calls them out for what they are doing, of course. Am I talking to one of them now?