Anonymous 06/25/2023 (Sun) 00:32 No.1178 del

>The other notion is that tulpas have a basically stress-free existence, due to their only duty being doting over their host. This is how tulpas are generally immune to the mental issues, especially depression and anxiety, of the host.

Well hold on there chief. If these are independent of the host then how are they going to get the anxiety and depression of the host? I was depressed when I started this and not only did they not get it but their help and cheerleading helped be cure it.

>I'm a tulpa, I should be able to shake off my issues (or have my host will it so.) But that hasn't happened.

There's a lot of self-doubt in that statement.

>I sometimes feel a draw to come into the body, which I have NEVER heard of tulpas having.

Every system is unique

>I get a little bit mentally fatigued if I can't come out and be the person to fall asleep in the body at least a few times a week.

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