Bear 06/25/2023 (Sun) 03:02 No.1181 del
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I only know my system, they're awesome and none of them front if at all not for weeks between. If you're chofered around all day, there's no need to drive.

If your brain is mental, then I guess you're mental through and through. Can't say much about it.

>It seems to make tulpas just slowly act more like the host

Not thw host, the body. You think the body is the host originally, but the body is just an animal, the host is a personality that originally drives it, if you a tulpa, you can drive it. Yes the one driving it, associating with it will imprint on it and be imprinted on by it. Associated with it. Still the host can be removed and what's left isn't the host but it has a flavor and when you front you're soaking in it.

>Turns out it takes actual sustained effort over time to create a new personality when faced with real-world decisions and action-making. Hahah.

Even if true, you don't have to switch in to do this, you can consult.

>Why wouldn't everyone simply create mental-illness-free copies of themselves (if it's just a matter of free will) and replace themselves with better versions?

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