Summary: Ashley 06/06/2024 (Thu) 07:53 No.4540 del

Yulya, you decide:

1. Detach Children - We're all in agreement
2. Get Rothés out of dodge so we're not fighting them or use their cart as a weapon with a low probability of success at the risk of having the rothés charge at the still attached by a chain children who are going to take 2 turns to run off the map so they're still in danger for Round 1, and Round 2 even if we can detach them Round 1. Joy said it might take more than one round to detach the kids.
3. Keep them at a disadvantage and from flanking anyone until they're downed, while trying to give advantage to each other. Remember that Yulya and Cat both have Inspiration according to Joy's records, don't argue. Advantage doesn't stack, don't waste it.

Round 1:
In any scenario Yulya needs to distract them, possibly by trying to make a deal with them which is a false deal but at this point it's a real deal to help push the cart out of the rut or some other type of distraction and not attack with Bane or any other spell until the rothés are out of the picture.

Alice and Cat can get to the back of the cart with feline agility turn 1, I can't, so if I duck in front of our cart out of sight I cast summon mecha-kitty without them noticing. Mr. Bigglesworth will wait in hiding until he's needed.

Still in round 1, Alice and Cat both try to unhitch the kids but obviously if either of them do then the other changes their objective to flank the villains with Yulya.

If the kids are detached, they run directly west off the map out of sight of the villains. They can run at 60ft/turn, it will take two turns for them to exit so best bet is rothés go straight.

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