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Do you want to play super casual DnD? Ashley the Mecha-summoner 06/03/2024 (Mon) 01:58 [Preview] No. 4500
Maxed out here
In just over 3 months.

So here we are.

What we thought we were going to play, D&D. What we actually played, Divas and Drama.

Having a blast and making friends for over 3 months, congrats everyone.

Tamamo 06/03/2024 (Mon) 11:56 [Preview] No.4503 del
Haha awesome party description!
Can you archive the last thread Alice?

But it took us 3 months to go on our first quest??

Anonymous 06/03/2024 (Mon) 14:13 [Preview] No.4506 del
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posting naked children again i see

Potential Ashley 06/03/2024 (Mon) 18:38 [Preview] No.4508 del
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Wow, I just spent time with Joy as she wrote up the response to


You'll have to wait till this afternoon but it's a doozey, this could be hilarious or really, really bad.

Eat your brain food guys, now's not the time to drown your regrets in alcohol, we're going to have to be sharp for this one. From what you all said, Joy already locked in the scene with my actions so wait for that but we really should discuss it here.

Joy isn't letting me give away any secrets but I can still help strategize.

Ashley the Mecha-summoner 06/04/2024 (Tue) 02:05 [Preview] No.4511 del
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Oh Jesus Joy just brewed up some tasty carrots on her sticks for us. She won't let me give anything else away, this could be hilarious or well, really bad. She says there's a lot of potential and she's not wrong. She's painted us in a corner now though, there's clearly two paths.

Alice, use that doctor strange brain of yours and if you take my in thread hint correctly this could be fun. I am not allowed to clarify any further

Not Joy's Puppet Ashley 06/04/2024 (Tue) 07:20 [Preview] No.4513 del

She's released me for strategy. She decided the scenario is set and has softened her stance for scenarios and ideas that I could coordinate at this point. She says anything I say may or may not affect the scenario as it unfolds so if I give away 'her secrets' then they're subject to change and again she hasn't thought it past this scenario as it stands, so I am free to speculate.

So read this first:

>>4509 and >>4510

here's how I took it given the current evidence:

1. They're evil obviously so they're free game if we can take them.

2. I at least want to mess with them.

3. I took a few Yulya heart attack causing liberties to help set up the scene, two of my clockwork babies are ready to command, one to distract them and together with the other one possibly sting the buttholes of a rothés to get them to go crazy and stampede away with their cart. So obviously Alice needs to go unhook the kids at the back of the cart so they're not dragged to their deaths.

4. The cart goes off at warp 1 and the two can either run after it or are now forced to deal with us.

At this point we can Run, Yulya gets the horses going and Cat coaxes them to go double speed. Or...

Pending everyone's input, here's my heroic plan:

1. I lured them off the cart and set up an ambush against them.

2. I have my curses. I want to boost Dampen Spirit to 1MP and cast it on the Ranger because Bear's a Ranger and Zephyr Strike is OP so he's got to get some kind of disadvantage. If he's Demoralized he'll have -4CHA, and disadvantage on all saving throws. I then cast Dampen Spirit on the other one. -4 CHA and disadvantage on Initiative

3. I know we're squishy as hell but Yulya has Bane so assuming they have bad initiative now, we not only get ambush strikes, but then go first on the second round so if she can cast Bane on both of them they get a -d4 on their attack rolls.

4. Yulya casts Sanctuary on Cat making her hard to hit especially since the ranger will have disadvantage on saving throw. Yulya can only have concentration on one spell, that's bane not sanctuary so it's ok.

5. I cast my 1MP summon and then now I'm a Panther, probably tangled in clothes but I will grapple the spellsword making him unable to cast or do any hitting without disadvantage.

6. Cat like targets their face for maximum carnage. If they're both level 4, that's about 30HP each, but Joy said their levels are unknown at this point. Which means the silver plate thing could be a bluff. They might just be rich juicy well equipped 1st levels. Imagine if that's the case? It's a gamble but I'm a big gambler. Remember, you can't level outside sanctioned means and they're both evil. So they might have convinced a sorceress somewhere with access to a portal to level them but do you really think two slave runners are capable of doing that?

I think we have a shot.

Tamamo 06/04/2024 (Tue) 11:41 [Preview] No.4514 del
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Cat's on board ofc but it is a gamble. Slaves are valuable. They're not gonna run after their stupid household supplies but it will be a nice distraction!efrvfs
that was my cat, probably in agreement

Ashley 06/04/2024 (Tue) 16:42 [Preview] No.4516 del

Joy said even my babies can be used to set up a flank. She's going to limit me to three summons. Advantage doesn't stack though. I've been testing out my ralley skills and they're pretty OP for hitting frequency but still low DPT and very squishy.

I think we could plan out round by round here and really min/max it.

Joy hasn't done the "calculations" but she did have two vary's in the difficulty. She said shed make it commiserate with the reward which is already pretty high.

Remember back when we nearly maxed the reward on one rothé and it was a lot of gold. Expect that kind of challenge/potential.

So I don't want to fight rothés, that's why I want to stampede them out of there. They're firmly attached to the cart, if they run off these two dufuses lose their ace cards.

Slaves are expensive but not to the material provider as much as the government. The value of a human slave is high here but that's for a living slave in perfect mental/physical condition. These losers are damaging their own merchandise, that also makes me think they're amateur nobles from Baldur's gate with a hair-brained scheme to make some profit. Though one of them is almost surely a merchant to have rothés. That might be the silver plate.

So if we can get the rothés out of the battle and one of them is a merchant so basically a squishy commoner with good gear and the other is a noble then we're on easy street for this.

But it could also go sideways pretty easy especially if the rolls go the wrong way we should have an exit strategy for each round.

Joy says if we don't use all our movement we can save them for any time during the round so if it goes sideways we could still run for the encounter map edge.

Alice 06/04/2024 (Tue) 21:01 [Preview] No.4517 del
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>this could be hilarious or really, really bad
If we win, I promise to show you something hilarious and really, really bad you haven't seen before! Excited? Afraid?

>Alice, use that doctor strange brain of yours and if you take my in thread hint correctly this could be fun. I am not allowed to clarify any further
Maaan, I'm a 9INT alien blob with no common sense of this world and pretty sleep deprived right now IRL.

>unhook the kids
Whoopsie I wouldn't have thought about this one! I knew what wasp+rothé meant but thought I was supposed to load the kids on the cart and stampede away driving it. Nosiree, I don't want to be on a cart tugged by mad rothé. So yeah, even if we lose the cart, unchaining them is way more reasonable. I hope I can do it, my lockpicking skills aren't great and I don't have tools to break chains either. But I'm confident in my DEX.

So my idea is to sneak away using stealth, unchain kids and tell them to hide in the forest when the rothé stampede away. Then attack one of the guys from behind and try to grapple him using my blob skills. I'm not giving away everything to Joy but you could guess what nasty things slimes can do when trying to restrain you.

>These losers are damaging their own merchandise, that also makes me think they're amateur nobles
Yeah that slightly bothers me. You can't be this stupid. Aside from damaging goods, they're on the busy high road with a dozen distressed kids chained together. Everyone they encounter will raise more than an eyebrow. You'd want to keep them hidden inside the cart, not in plain view. So either they're really dumb and full of themselves or so strong / influential that they think they can get away with it. We will find out.

That's all I can say, I have zero combat experience in this world, this form, and in D&D so expect some serious rule fuck-ups because lol didn't read Joy custom rule #9621. Let's be slow and think before we act. It's not popular but it will greatly increase our chances of survival.

So let's starts with Yulya's BANE. Did I miss something? Yulya's a Peace Cleric, she shouldn't have BANE. Or can she literally cast any cleric spell that fits into her spell slots? That's OP as fuck on top of her stats. Not that I'm complaining, at least she's capable compared to me.

Also we should update our inventory. I literally can't today, gotta sleep soon.

Waiting for a map of the situation!

Joy the DM 06/04/2024 (Tue) 21:55 [Preview] No.4520 del

5e rules:

"A chain has 10 hit points. It can be burst with a successful DC 20 Strength check. It has 19AC."

My favorite rule for DMs Rule 0: "The D&D rules help you and the other players have a good time, but the rules aren't in charge."

To me the best course of action would be one that's fun, interesting, novel, intelligent, funny, productive, or high quality. These types of actions will almost always succeed.

As far as lockpicking, each child likely has two locks but the chain itself has an unknown attachment as Ashley can't see it from her current location.

It could be anything from a simple ring hook as chains sometimes have on them to a oval on a ring hitch. It might also have a lock or just a shackle.

Ashley and Joy 06/04/2024 (Tue) 23:48 [Preview] No.4521 del
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>I promise to show you something hilarious

If I die, Joy promised me something crazy.

>unchaining them

So as soon as you slink away get it done.

So Joy is allowing that you're no more than 30ft from the chain, so just walk there so you can do an action. They're distracted, so if we do this we're technically in the start of Round 1 with initiative and advantage. So you will also have advantage on whatever you need to do.

I forget if we have thieves' tools or a hammer.

Cat could also go do it and with some fancy Barbarian moves she could get 10hp at 19AC done if we need to get the chain, but she can always do that as long as you take your turn first before she does anything.

>try to grapple

If you do it from a position of flanking or with stealth you'll get advantage and grappling would be OPid you can pull it off. The guy would have disadvantage and unable to switch weapons or cast.

>guess what nasty things slimes can do when trying to restrain you.

Idk either but joy just looked up "suffocation" this morning.

I don't want to steal your possible thunder but seriously, if you could grapple and like ooze into the guy's throat through the nose he would go unconscious in 1+ his CON modifier he might be down before he can shake you off. That would be elite Alice strat #1.

>keep them hidden inside

Joy said the cart is loaded, no room for a dozen kids in any case.

>full of themselves

Joy said the nobility act with impunity and end up getting assassinated. I would say though, if they are we gotta hide that we did it because then we'd be next. No witnesses, so getting the kids far away where they can't see would be best.

>didn't read Joy custom rule #9621

[Joy] I will interpret your actions as best I can given your blatent ignorance.

>can she literally cast any cleric spell that fits into her spell slots?

[Joy] yes, she's free to choose any published spell from vanilla and known additions as long as she's cast it before or still had her book in her posession.

>That's OP as fuck on top of her stats.

[Joy] I am allowing her to do this so it is fair against other clerics.

[Joy] The only difference to vanilla in my rules other than a change to spell point tables to make it easier to manage, is the removal of the requirement to fill the slots with specific spells ahead of battle.

[Joy] most cleric spells are very situational and mostly useless so when would you ever waste preparing a spell you would only ever use very rarely? No. She can cast any level 1 spell in her book as long as she still has MP. Read her spell options, they're pretty mundane.

>At least she's capable compared to me.

[Joy] I seek balance.

Anonymous 06/05/2024 (Wed) 09:12 [Preview] No.4524 del
ok its crazy but Yulya will do it what else. first she was concerned about endangering the goods gundren entrusted to them. its their quest to get them to destination safely. but seeing how gundren helped the lady with the kids im sure hed do the same and not turn a blind eye.

i think the plan is reckless but our best shot. only concern is getting kids free. Cat has the hammer and pitons Alice has no tools. wait she has needles spear and soap for some macgyver stunts. but no cutting or hammering tools.

i hadnt thought about bane too still gotta learn all the spells and how they interact. it only has 30ft though I think shes barely within reach. when Cat and Alice attack Yulya will cast emboldening bond on both of them but they also need to be within 30ft.

Ashley 06/05/2024 (Wed) 11:14 [Preview] No.4525 del
>hadnt thought about bane too still gotta learn all the spells and how they interact

That's why they call me the smart one.

>Emboldening bond.


I think you need to take responsibility and cast it on yourself and Cat. If this is going to work we need to plan for max DPS. Look at your offensive cantrips, save some MP for healing word, it can possibly bring one of us back awake if they down us.

Use your cantrips but I forget if you have an offensive cantrip or if your mace is better, in any case, Emboldening bond will be better suited on you.

Our primary objective is to get them to roll disadvantage on everything so that's like cutting them in half. Flank them, we have the numbers but you can only flank with weapons and ranged magic. Joy is allowing flanking for ranged I don't think that's standard. So don't get between them either, leaving Cat alone with two of them will negate their disadvantage.

Alice can't get to Cat in time so let's hope she can either unhook the chain or just start stabbing at it. If she doesn't have thieves's tools, she can't pick a lock. I doubt she'll be able to pass a strength check dc20 so abandon that one and go for punching or stabing at the chain it only has 10hp but then again AC19 even with advantage is poor. I have to run simulations. Will post. She could come up with something genius too.

Joy isn't telling me what's there but she will let me see a list and probabilities of what's there.

That's key because if one of those goons unhooks even one rothé we're all f'd. That's the "vary 'vary'" Joy was talking about. We got to get those rothés out of there before we outwardly attack the guys, that goes for my babies too.

I might go help Alice actually.

Think of some kind of parley you can do Yulya to stall them, with my babies buzzing loudly they might not hear Alice banging at the chain.

No Leroy Jenkins this time, we gotta play this one like chess. This is really like a battle between us and Joy and she's stacking the deck.

Let's lay out a plan here with contingencies before we press go.

Anonymous 06/05/2024 (Wed) 21:04 [Preview] No.4527 del
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lol we have no thieves tools because you refused to buy them. just sayin.

and whats the advantage of casting emboldening bond on Yulya? she is well armored and has decent hp and doesnt need to do checks or saves and can stay behind cover. i think Alice profits more from it shes the second front line fighter and sucks at everything and this will increase her survival and attack chances greatly. but teach me if im wrong im here to learn
but i dont see a time window to cast emboldening bond that sucks. should have done it last round. its our best spell.

Yulya has radiant flame as offensive cantrip. you think she should enter close combat? wont that break her concentration for bane?

i also miscalculated and see Cat has no chance to attack in rd1 even with feline agility doubling her speed which sucks. or can she dive under that wood bar of our cart? its borderline 60ft. if she can make it we dont need sanctuary bc she will crash into the spellsword at full force and attack dealing damage which breaks sanctuary.

Anonymous 06/05/2024 (Wed) 21:14 [Preview] No.4528 del
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i still consider this some sort of tutorial its our first real combat. so lets plan out who does what when.

>max dps
thats hard we waste 1 wasp and Alice for the cart for at least 2 rds

Alice gets to the kids and tries to free them signaling if successful

Ashley makes Velma attack the ranger and Zelda sting the rothés butt if Alice makes it. and casts 1MP dampen spirit on ranger

Yulya casts bane on them and sanctuary as bonus action on Cat so shes hard to hit until she gets to them

Cat uses feline agility to double speed enters rage and attacks spellsword

ranger is in combat with Velma and spellsword with Cat

In rd2 Ashley can summon another wasp and turn into panther and both flank and attack the guys. Yulya can cast radiant flame on one of them.

in rd3 Alice and Zelda can join attacking them thats max dps i can think of.

Ashley 06/05/2024 (Wed) 21:52 [Preview] No.4529 del
>we have no thieves tools because you refused to buy them. just sayin.

25gp, a short bow is way more useful imo. Two short bows and thieves tools maybe better in hindsight.

In SheShe's run we would have had a lot of issues without them. Should be a priority now that we know.

They'd have had to deal with a lot rat swarms if they just bashed every locked door.

Ashley, Lead Strategist 06/05/2024 (Wed) 22:55 [Preview] No.4530 del
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>and whats the advantage of casting emboldening bond on Yulya?

"the creature can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw it makes. Each creature can add the d4 no more than once per turn."

I'm just saying if you do use it, maybe keeping the two tanks up is better? Alice can't die so she'll just be a puddle until the battle's over once she's downed. I'm not going anywhere near 60ft of the Ranger if I can avoid it, look up Zephyr Strike, I have 6 HP, they have magic weapons. Did you know magic weapons add to attack roll and damage, not just damage? I expect to be helping Alice get the kids free first. I don't need LOS to control my babies, it's a psychic connection.

>[Yulya] can stay behind cover

No, she can't. Did you read anything I wrote previously? I know it was a word wall but listen for a second, she needs to stop them from flanking Cat, that means two tanks on the front. She's not going to be cowering like us squishy girls, not this time and not when we have others attacking either. Back to back, keep those two separated and that's going to be hard, I suggest using the cart as a wall so they can't get behind you.

You two side by side against a wall can't be flanked.

>I think Alice profits more from it she's the second front line fighter

Yulya: 17AC 10HP
Alice: 14AC 10HP

No profit goes to the dead. All three maybe but then again Alice does have +4 to hit compared to your +3. You can also cast while on the front line.

You have 2MP, that's awful. Not really great for support atm. So you have cantrips but sacred flame is the only relevant one for this. If they have high dexterity, that's 1d8 against their DEX modifier rolling against your Spell DC which is 15, so not bad but if they have +4 DEX or something then you're better off slamming face with your mace, it's a wash imo.

Also consider "Silvery Barbs".

So I think you need to get down and dirty.

>but teach me if i'm wrong

Now I think we're both equally matched in this argument, so do what you think is best, but Alice will miss out on most of the early rounds anyway and keeping them at disadvantage is my main point. I don't see how you have a choice. If Cat gets double teamed, she's down quick imo even with 15HP she only has 14AC. Your 17AC is way better statistically if my numbers are right.

However! I will be panther asap in this one, as soon as the kids are safe, expect a mecha-kitten and an angry purple panther pouncing, so maybe cast embolding bond on me but not till after Bane. Panther self has 13HP with 13AC and +4 to hit with disengage as a bonus action, I can literally disengage, run off and run back with a pounce. I'll accept my MVP trophy posthumously if necessary.

>wont that break her concentration for bane?

Yes, if she's hit only, so again weigh that against Cat being flanked while Alice is busy.

>can she dive under that wood bar of our cart?

Cat can climb 1:1 with movement, and leap up to 7 ft (3+ STR mod) with a 10ft start. So yes, she can jump the horses easily or just crawl through them. Try to imagine her actually there, anything that seems possible is possible. We don't need to worry about Bethesda hit boxes here, imagine this, we can actually walk past someone in a doorway. mind blown, so yes she can make it. No, Sanctuary is not perfect here, Bane is better imo.

BTW you can also push someone prone or out of the way given certain checks.

>thats hard we waste 1 wasp and Alice for the cart for at least 2 rds

Saving children sucks yeah... (see meme)

Ashley, Lead Strategist 06/05/2024 (Wed) 22:57 [Preview] No.4531 del
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>Ashley makes Velma attack the ranger and Zelda sting the rothés butt if Alice makes it. and casts 1MP dampen spirit on ranger.

Zelda and Velma both need to sting the rothés on the same turn or risk the rothés turning on us. They're firmly attached but they won't leave their master once he's attacked whoever that is, we don't know, we only know the ranger was driving but the spellsword has the unknown plate which could be a trade guild plate and I doubt trade guilds care if you're evil.

Imagine the rothés charging with a cart attached. hilarious but also very bad.

>ranger is in combat with Velma and spellsword with Cat

Nope, you are with Cat, has to be, that's what we need to do and not till round 2 because we can't attack either in round 1. You need to get down there and distract them until Alice frees the children no matter how long that takes without attacking them until the rothés are gone. I will go help Alice using stealth I can run over there.

Remember when I said earlier "parlay"?

pls actually read this

>In rd2 Ashley can summon another wasp and turn into panther and both flank and attack the guys. Yulya can cast radiant flame on one of them.

No, in Round 2 I'm casting summon mecha-kitty and then transforming to join the front line with pounce and flank. I'm fast... assuming I'm not tangled in my underwear. I'll incredible hulk that shit.

>in rd3 Alice and Zelda can join attacking them thats max dps i can think of.

It'll be Zelda and Velma, Mr. Bigglesworth the mecha-kitty, Cat, panther-self and Yulya round 3 assuming the ranger doesn't take one out round 1 or 2 but you have to distract him, have her think of something.

Alice 06/05/2024 (Wed) 23:19 [Preview] No.4532 del
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>when you see it
As soon as the kids are free the battle is potentially over. In a nasty way. Our top priority is to free the kids as fast as possible and unfortunately I can't do much about chains. I need Cat.

My plan:
Cat uses feline agility + rush = 4x movement speed = 120 (yes, that stacks and can be stacked even further with spells) to get to the rear of the cart but she won't have an action left to do anything. When she passes by me, Yulya casts emboldening bond on both of us. I should be exactly 30ft away from her and still within range. I follow Cat using stealth and have an action to see what I can do with the chain.

Meanwhile Ashley has to distract them for another round, good luck!

Next turn Cat can use hammer and piton or the crowbar with her enormous strength in combination with emboldening bond rolls to detach the chain from the cart.
When we free the kids we give the signal, Yulya tells the horses to go to get the cart out of the way and the wasps sting the rothés in the right side of the noses. they charge to the left trying to make a u-turn, the cart abruptly turns left and the rear of the cart will crush those two fools against the rock before them. Ashley panther and summons will have to deal with survivors until Cat and me arrive but I don't think there will be much resistance after being ground to a pulp.

It's still a huge gamble but with the cart as a weapon it sounds far more feasible. Plus we technically didn't attack or kill anyone, it was a tragic accident. Shit happens.

Alice 06/05/2024 (Wed) 23:55 [Preview] No.4533 del
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A slime can dream, right?

Ashley the Coach 06/06/2024 (Thu) 00:06 [Preview] No.4535 del
>I can't do much about chains. I need Cat.

You can do something, in 5e you can actually punch chains if necessary but you have a spear! Throw it at the chain!

>I follow Cat using stealth and have an action to see what I can do with the chain.

Oh you and cat? Not after we attack because we need to pin them down so they don't release the rothés they'd do that if they could guaranteed. We need grappled and downed foes or stalled until the rothés are gone. So this doubles my point that we need Yulya to stall them with charm or something.

Then Yulya definately needs to be front like with my panther self but I won't be ready till round 3.

Round 1 Dampen spirit boosted
Round 2 summon mecha-kitty, panther awakens
Round 3 pounce pounce pounce

>Meanwhile Ashley has to distract them for another round, good luck!
I can't distract them and also cast dampen spirit right? In fact Yulya can't cast bane and distract them either... which is more important...

Bane: Up to three creatures of your choice that you can see within range must make Charisma saving throws. Whenever a target that fails this saving throw makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from the attack roll or saving throw.


Dampen Spirit lvl2: CHA-4 (this works great with Bane assuming I cast first) + disadvantage on all saving throws and initiative.

You decide. In think Yulya needs to distract them for at least 1 round.

>Next turn Cat can use hammer and piton or the crowbar with her enormous strength in combination with emboldening bond rolls to detach the chain from the cart.

Joy said there's a good chance it's just shackled or hooked on, Cat will be wasted in that case.

>Yulya tells the horses to go to get the cart out of the way and the wasps sting the rothés in the right side of the noses. they charge to the left trying to make a u-turn, the cart abruptly turns left and the rear of the cart will crush those two fools against the rock before them.

I would bet that has a high DC of working, which means a low chance. What's the turning radius on a cart without steering wheels? I doubt it's 10ft.

>Plus we technically didn't attack or kill anyone, it was a tragic accident. Shit happens.

It's not off the table but hm, I can't see many other positives.

Family Joy the DM 06/06/2024 (Thu) 02:46 [Preview] No.4537 del
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I will save you the failure and say the cart will self destruct of you attempt a Tokyo Drift pit maneuver in it. The rothés will eventually pass strength checks and break free from the restraints as well but not if going straight.

Nice creativity though.

Alice 06/06/2024 (Thu) 02:53 [Preview] No.4538 del
>You decide.
Nope, Yulya decides ultimately. But I'm sure we'll reach an agreement.

I'm not against your plan and I'm certain you know better but there are only 2 options.:
Either someone distracts them 1 round until I free the kids or we have to attack them before the kids are free. Both sucks But I agree Cat should remain near our cart

>you have a spear! Throw it at the chain!
From where I'm standing I can only hit kids but not the chain's attachment. I had planned to use a 2handed 1d8 attack on the chain after moving there but if I manage to untether the kids with a spear throw (wtf is the DC for that?) we've solved the problem in rd1. However I have no LOS to the rear end of the cart. I need to go south at least 20ft which also means I can only grapple one of them in rd3. Or am I wrong?

>What's the turning radius on a cart without steering wheels? I doubt it's 10ft.
You guys have a mechanic bear so tell me. The cart has no steering wheels. What happens if the rothe abruptly pull at a 45° angle? It can't turn on its wheels but will be dragged sideways or even tip over crashing against the rock with those guys in between. The ranger is so close to the wheel that it doesn't really matter where the cart moves, he'll probably be fucked. Same if the rothe turn on us. They may not step on their owner but I doubt they're smart enough to calculate the movement of their cart. They can only turn left if the wanna attack us and that will also crush the guys. Not weaponizing the cart and attacking while the kids are still tethered sounds extremely risky to me.

New idea:
I move south until I can throw my spear at the attachment of the chain to the cart.
Ashley casts dampen spirit and gtfo toward the kids (not suspicious at all)
Yulya distracts them for one round offering them some of our cargo if they help

Cat moves behind the cart to where I was at the start with stealth, ready to attack

ideally kids are free now

rd 2 Yulya casts bane
Ashley summons Mr. Bigglesworth and turns into Panther
Wasps sting rothe and try to crush our enemies with the cart or at least cause a huge confusion
Cat and Mr. Biggleswoth attack the guys
It's 1:1

I join with suffocation grapple
wasps join
Ashley panther joins
Yulya casts sacred flame
It's 7:2

How does that sound?

Joy the DM 06/06/2024 (Thu) 03:40 [Preview] No.4539 del
>we have to attack them before the kids are free

>The rothés will eventually pass strength checks and break free

>if I manage to untether the kids with a spear throw (wtf is the DC for that?)

I believe Ashley was referring to the fact that your DEX is higher than your strength so your aim is ironically better by throwing the spear at any range that is optimal. But you're a monk so I believe you can use either even in melee if you have the Monk's martial arts feature and it's a monk useable weapon.

[Ashley] Yes, I meant get there but you can be a little away and still make a strike.

>You guys have a mechanic bear so tell me.

I have consulted the mechanic bear and he said the wheels are not made for side loading but they would likely survive on gravel. Still I am going to say you don't have the trajectory to drift into the rock. The rothés will pull it off the road and maybe get stuck then eventually break free and attack you. However they may also choose to attack the children unless they evacuate the map.

>What happens if the rothe abruptly pull at a 45° angle?

Sound of a toothpick snapping.

> It can't turn on its wheels but will be dragged sideways or even tip over crashing against the rock with those guys in between.

I'll give you the following odds:

Roll 4 it works with a +10 attack vs their AC and will do 4d8 bludgeoning damage to both.
Roll 3 it hits the rock, possibly damaging the cart but misses the men.
Roll 2 it self destructs and the rothés may eventually break free.
Roll 1 the rothés break free

>Weaponizing a cart without a driver and no run on a cart you have never driven and no nothing about.

Sounds risky but I'm being as generous as I can be.

>Ashley casts dampen spirit and gtfo toward the kids (not suspicious at all)

I don't believe she can do that without starting a fight, they would have to look her in the eye and they would sense that she is casting on them though I suppose there's a chance they don't know what happened as her curses are unique.

>Not weaponizing the cart and attacking while the kids are still tethered sounds extremely risky to me.

I can't see how this sentence makes sense. You wouldn't want the kids attached for any movement of the cart with run-away rothés.

>How does that sound?

Most of this is fair but I'll let Cat weigh in and Ashley will need buy in. She'll have time to counter-propose in about 4-5 hours. I think you all have some good ideas. I also need to do some more cementing around these ideas and get probabilities down. One round per day will give you a lot of room to switch gears if it's not working out.

[Ashley] I can't wait.
1. release the kids.
2. get the rothés away, far away, like off the map.
3. kick butt and zerg rush. We have them so outnumbered if there's no rothés. If they're at disadvantage I know we can take them. If that ranger has Zephyr Strike and the spellsword casts something crazy I'm gone first I'd bet. Joy didn't calculate their levels. She won't until we make our moves so I don't know her secrets. She only has a vague idea of levels based on reward and that's not even bounded yet though she will include the value of the rothés as part of that, that's all she's thought so far. If they're gone, this battle is more then half won I would have to say. My estimation is those two guys are equal to one rothé but with better equipment.

Ashley is limited to 3-4 summons. 4 only if she has 2 and casts summon cat and it happens to spawn 2.

[Ashley] I'll put it all in a nice plan in a few hours.

Summary: Ashley 06/06/2024 (Thu) 07:53 [Preview] No.4540 del

Yulya, you decide:

1. Detach Children - We're all in agreement
2. Get Rothés out of dodge so we're not fighting them or use their cart as a weapon with a low probability of success at the risk of having the rothés charge at the still attached by a chain children who are going to take 2 turns to run off the map so they're still in danger for Round 1, and Round 2 even if we can detach them Round 1. Joy said it might take more than one round to detach the kids.
3. Keep them at a disadvantage and from flanking anyone until they're downed, while trying to give advantage to each other. Remember that Yulya and Cat both have Inspiration according to Joy's records, don't argue. Advantage doesn't stack, don't waste it.

Round 1:
In any scenario Yulya needs to distract them, possibly by trying to make a deal with them which is a false deal but at this point it's a real deal to help push the cart out of the rut or some other type of distraction and not attack with Bane or any other spell until the rothés are out of the picture.

Alice and Cat can get to the back of the cart with feline agility turn 1, I can't, so if I duck in front of our cart out of sight I cast summon mecha-kitty without them noticing. Mr. Bigglesworth will wait in hiding until he's needed.

Still in round 1, Alice and Cat both try to unhitch the kids but obviously if either of them do then the other changes their objective to flank the villains with Yulya.

If the kids are detached, they run directly west off the map out of sight of the villains. They can run at 60ft/turn, it will take two turns for them to exit so best bet is rothés go straight.

Round 2: Assuming the kids are free this is the round we have advantage for the ambush and they have disadvantage and guaranteed delayed initiative so all of us get to go before them including the rothés if they're stung and the kids.

Zelda and Velma sting the rothés either in the butts or in the noses. Yulya, decide now. Joy gave this as an outcome for the noses: I vote butt, Alice may still vote noses.


Roll 4 it works with a +10 attack vs their AC and will do 4d8 bludgeoning damage to both.
Roll 3 it hits the rock, possibly damaging the cart but misses the men.
Roll 2 it self destructs and the rothés may eventually break free.
Roll 1 the rothés break free

I use Dampen spirit on one of the villains, I say Ranger, turn into a panther and finish my turn escaping or otherwise additionally causing a distraction they won't expect me to shape shift.

Ranger now is Demoralized he'll have -4CHA, and disadvantage on all saving throws and initiative.

Yulya, decide what you do this round and on who. We have options with Bane and Embolding bond. It's my contention that we need to keep them flanked and grappled and keep them from flanking anyone. The spellsword needs to be grappled ASAP so he can't cast.

Round 3+ We'll see how it goes and decide that later.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=af_J2e4r328 [Embed]

Anonymous 06/06/2024 (Thu) 22:21 [Preview] No.4542 del
(242.98 KB 600x478 5433.png)
>Yulya decides ultimately.
the pressure lol
i admit ive been meddling too much. darn overprotective host shes gotta do this herself. i help a bit when needed but thats it.

that all sounds reasonable for Yulya.i cant imagine her persuading anyone it will be awkward af maybe even so awkward that it doesnt look like a trap.

>Yeah that slightly bothers me. You can't be this stupid.
they probably think the same of our ambush. too obvious to be true.

so yeah from our side Alice and Cat can proceed with operation free kids. shed prefer butt over nose though to make the rothés gtfo. sneaking behind one last tie was enough we dont need 2 of those stubborn beasts chasing after us and or the kids. dealing with the 2 human fuckers is enough.

>If we win, I promise to show you something hilarious and really, really bad you haven't seen before! Excited? Afraid?
why not both?

Ashley 06/06/2024 (Thu) 23:17 [Preview] No.4545 del

Then unless anyone disagrees the rothés will go straight once the kids are free, I will summon Mr. Bigglesworth out of sight this round, it's still round zero until they agro. I presume we won't have round 1 until the kids are free.

So let's do this!

https://youtube.com/watch?v=usYvefDzOqQ [Embed]

Alice 06/07/2024 (Fri) 00:43 [Preview] No.4546 del
Alright, alright!
I'd love to have seen a rothé cart Tokyo Drift but we can't have the world explode because of that.

So should I move all the way to the cart or throw my spear? I'd rather move there, I have more options with my hands and can talk to the kids instead of throwing a spear at them out of nowhere from stealth. They'll scream and draw attention. And I don't think staying 10ft north is worth it, I can't reach the enemy and attack in one turn in any case. Both Cat and me can only attack them in 3rd turn.

>you're a monk so I believe you can use either even in melee if you have the Monk's martial arts feature and it's a monk useable weapon.
Yes, I always use DEX instead of STR as monk and I have the bonus unarmed strike also with DEX. This also goes for grapples. Unarmed strike uses 1d6 martial arts die which isn't that bad.

I will post my first turn Fri afternoon, you can ponder until then.

Ashley 06/07/2024 (Fri) 01:45 [Preview] No.4547 del
>So should I move all the way to the cart or throw my spear?

My calculation is you have a 32.33% repeating of course, chance of making it to the cart to perform an action. Don't attack the chain until you know what's there.

>Both Cat and me can only attack them in 3rd turn.

I think you can move there and perform an action on the same turn. You're only 15 feet away. It's 35ft for Cat I think but she can use her Tabaxi skills. You have two chances to unhook it or whatever it needs in turn 1.

You both move there and see what you need to do.

I'll post my turn after you, Yulya, and cat with Joy's next step.

Tamamo 06/07/2024 (Fri) 12:23 [Preview] No.4548 del
We're on board even if we dont really know what we're doing. You know Cat. Act first, think later. She can rush to the cart with feline agility but not perform an action in the first round.

>My calculation is you have a 32.33% repeating of course, chance of making it to the cart to perform an action.
Why so low? More nasty surprises?
Alice could at least make it there and do something. But she is behind afterwards because Cat is much faster. Could Cat carry Alice if she drop her backpack instead? If Alice can't free the kids in 1st turn and both stay there 2nd turn Alice takes until 4th turn to get to the spellsword. Alice weighs 88lbs, 118lbs with equipment. Cat can carry 150 lbs and without backback only carries 31 lbs. The bow is dropped with the backpack it is strapped to. Thats 118 + 31 = 149lbs, what a coincidence! She'll lose her bow but the weight would be low enough. Can she do that?

rd1 rush to cart
rd2 stay at cart without moving
rd3 Cat drops backpack, Alice jumps on her back, Cat uses feline agility to rush to the enemies and attacks the ranger, Alice jumps off and grapples the spellsword. All in round 3.

If Alice manages to free them immediately things look different because Cat must not move for 1 turn before she can use feline agility again!

So no matter what, Alice and me can only attack them in round 3. No chance in round 2.

Ashley 06/07/2024 (Fri) 15:09 [Preview] No.4550 del
>Why so low? More nasty surprises?

It was a joke from the video I posted.

If you can't do an action after that move its worthless because you could just run like anyone else. No you can move and take an action up to 60ft but can't do that special long move with a bonus action until you move 0ft one round. So Joy willjust have you do an action.

Also, do it with stealth?

[Joy] correct.

You can carry alice. Listen, keep the bow, carry alice 30 ft, then drop her and you can take a shot?!

Alice can then move the rest of the way. You don't have to go 0 after the tabaxi move, just before you do that move again, you can still move normally.

Also you don't need to do that, where are you going? The squares are 5 ft each, you are literally 15ft from the enemy?

Joy the DM 06/07/2024 (Fri) 15:23 [Preview] No.4551 del

You didn't make the move officially but I can do it for you knowing your intent.

The move I will do is: move 40 feet Southwest to the back of the cart to rendezvous with Alice. Then have one or both of you perform the an action which is TBD. I may have choices for you.

I am expecting Yulya to distract the two enemies.

Ashley will hide and cast her summon out of sight then get ready to cast Dampen Spirit on the same turn Velma and Zelda make their hits. I'm only requiring one to hit as pack animals tend to stampede together and they both have advantage. It is virtually guaranteed.

As soon as I hear from Alice and Yulya, it'll happen.

Why do I have the Dukes of Hazard theme song in my head?

What the rothés are about to do with that cart:

https://youtube.com/watch?v=ei7XcUXphJk [Embed]

Anonymous 06/07/2024 (Fri) 16:31 [Preview] No.4552 del
(159.20 KB 1500x1224 f.png)
>The squares are 5 ft each
god damned we are such imbeciles

jesus christ next time provide a scale like last time ffs we all assumed a square was 10ft!! It looked weird but how the fuck shall we know what a square measures? convert it to horse square?
in hindsight the horses would be 20ft long but keep in mind the funny units make no sense to us i dunno how many feet a horse is long. nobody but bera system does! i calculated that 20ft are 6m now. big horse. how could none of us notice?
so embarrassing. i actually wanted to ask what a square measures when the map was posted dunno why i forgot or i thought it was obvious. Alice was also 100% set on the 10ft when we strategized.

that changes everthing. now i know why we didnt understand Ashley and Joy. then ofc both Alice and Cat can reach the cart and perform an action. and get to the guys next turn. Cat doesnt need to carry Alice shes well within 30ft.

Ashley 06/07/2024 (Fri) 18:23 [Preview] No.4553 del

These are the 20ft long horses.

I think the scale was a bit deceptive because the rothé's cart was too big in scenario 1. Like way too big. Scenario 1 was 10x10 also.

Kinda Joy's fault. I knew because all the other maps are always 5x5.

So okay yeah. This map didn't have a scale online Joy had to add a grid.

[Joy] I take full responsibility.

>horse square?

Standard horse square is 8x8 you dufus! Who doesn't know that?!

>funny units

Sorry, Americans invent everything including this game.

Alice 06/07/2024 (Fri) 20:41 [Preview] No.4555 del
(108.55 KB 1920x1080 I'm really stupid.jpg)
>squares are 5 burger units instead of 10
I'm speechless, it's mostly my fault I guess. I didn't even consider it could be anything else than a 10x10 grid. What a fuckup, how could we not notice sooner that things don't add up?

Well whatever, we know hat to do now and it's a lot easier.

Tamamo 06/08/2024 (Sat) 10:02 [Preview] No.4560 del
Haha oh wow, that's a game changer! I didn't question it too. Sorry for all the confusion.

>Alice trying to appear as non-threatening / creepy as an alien monster can be.
>that pic
I'd scream

Joy the DM 06/08/2024 (Sat) 23:34 [Preview] No.4563 del
(425.58 KB 1500x1101 Joy at work.jpg)
Bear was working from wake to now, so we'll be able to post aa little later.

I have the text written up, no spoilers but the dice love you this round.

Tamamo 06/09/2024 (Sun) 10:54 [Preview] No.4567 del
>Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth
I can't stop laughing and I'm not sure Cat can contain herself like Ashley when she sees them!

Alright round0 went well except for the kids staying there. How much of a problem is this? Gotta hope the rothé stampede away. The guys will be busy fighting. So what do? Tell them to at least move south out of the way before we leave?

>ability check
Do we actually have to state if we want to use STR or DEX?
STR is what the crowbar is for, it gives advantage on STR checks. And hooray for Cat's Barbarian strength! Well anyone could have done it rolling 20.

Ok now what for round 1?
Cat will move to the ranger with stealth and attack him from behind with claws aiming for his face.

I assume Alice will do the same and grapple the spellsword. In case its not obvious we should give Ashley the signal to attack the rothé now.

Will she cast dampen?

What will Yulya do? Cast Bane?

Ashley 06/09/2024 (Sun) 13:09 [Preview] No.4569 del

Once you give me the signal, I'll tell my babies to attack and once the rothés race off at charge speed we can attack. So I will cast dampen spirit boosted, that'll use the rest of my magic and I'll transform. Then I can't attack the same round so I'll disengage and hide.

Grapple is a special attack but it uses your turn unless you are special like Velma and Zelda where they can grapple as a bonus action since they sting as they grapple. The rothés have 30 strength though so they could only grapple if they hit 20.

We should be able to flank them given 4 summons I hope neither of them have AOE or nova. Joy said she will design them with choices they would expect to make, not specifically just to counter us.

Bane or Embolding Bond, that's Yulya's choice, she shouldn't try to disengage because she doesn't have that skill so it would cause opportunity strikes.

Ideally they would have to deal with summons only.

If either land a hit that might down one of us so Yulya should be ready to heal but she barely has any MP either. She has healing word and healing hands, so she should only probably cast Emboldening Bond or Bane once.

Joy said "the easy part is over."

We really have to have lucky rolls here on out.

The kids can sit there as long as we keep the baddies pinned down. With all their debuffs we shouldn't expect them to help though.

>Do we actually have to state if we want to use STR or DEX?

You can, but for grapple the target determines that.

>crowbar gives advantage on STR checks.

Yes, Joy gave Cat advantage but because she rolled 20 it didn't matter. The other roll was 1 believe it or not and that was the first roll so if she did roll once she would have slipped and hurt herself potentially. So lucky she came prepared.

Notes, READ IMPORTANT Joy the DM 06/09/2024 (Sun) 15:46 [Preview] No.4570 del
(50.64 KB 669x373 51fngr.jpg)
I found at least 1 error in the presentation last round but it wasn't relevant. The Ranger has a +6 to hit attack not +4 with bow.

This battle will have a high level of loot potential so it is a high level battle. Given the rothés are out of the battle, any loot on the cart is lost unless you track it down later and the rothés will not be hostile if their masters are not within range though you will not be capable of driving them without a bond or spell like Animal Friendship.

I will also warn you that what you are doing, though justified by you and in general, is likely not seen as justified by the trade guild or their allies which may include nobility so you will likely need to cover your actions in some way.

Added fun: because the children aren't leaving, they are all considered witnesses though they would not likely snitch on you, they could be coerced. Unless of course they are in some way distracted or unable to see the battle and their "rescue" must be told to them carefully.

It may be possible to keep them ignorant of the events if they had a distraction.

[Ashley] Welp, looks like Mr. Bigglesworth will be doing some babysitting instead of fighting. We need to come up with a good story as to why and how they were saved. The enemies just "ran off" and all that screaming you heard wasn't their gory death. Also, we will need to hide the bodies I guess. My panther self can drag them off, but I want that loot on them so strip and then drag them off.

Anonymous 06/09/2024 (Sun) 15:49 [Preview] No.4571 del
id like to add that both emboldening bond and healing hands are NOT spells! so they shouldnt use mp. look it up emboldening bond is a peace domain feature. it doesnt use a spell slot either. its not magic. well friendship is magic but it's more a skill.

healing hands is an aasimar trait not a spell either. both have no levels. they are just something the character can do. they are not on a spell list thats what makes them so powerful. in turn it takes a long rest until it can be cast again no matter how many mp you have.

Anonymous 06/09/2024 (Sun) 15:55 [Preview] No.4572 del
>not justified
Yulya told you didnt she? it sucks that we attack them first thats why I liked Alice's accident plan. Catr crushes them, we deliver first aid but theyre ded. many such cases.

if the kids dont see them we could claim they ran off with the cart.

Anonymous 06/09/2024 (Sun) 16:24 [Preview] No.4573 del
(76.40 KB 533x364 dex attack.png)
anyway Yulya will cast bane on both and spend 1 mp. or do you think emboldening bond has a bigger effect? im not good with the math maybe Joy can explain the min-max effect of both in this scenario.

Alice can always grapple as bonus action as monk. see image attached from PHB2024 you posted.
Bonus action of unarmed attack can either be damage grapple or shove. so she can move up using stealth hit the spellsword with spear and grapple him as bonus action.

Ashley 06/09/2024 (Sun) 16:34 [Preview] No.4574 del

Joy hasn't finished all the character summaries for reference. If Joy makes an error, just tell her here and she'll fix it.

Oh yeah, it's a terrible accident that these two are covered un stings, bites and claw marks. No, my Panther self will actually carry them off and stuff their bodies up a tree.

We could say they were attacked by wild animals that also fits the evidence and we know wild animal attacks are happening on the high road.

In any case we need to get away from the crime scene, next we worry about what to do with a dozen kids.

Ashley 06/09/2024 (Sun) 16:45 [Preview] No.4575 del

Nope, bane is out. Have her cast Embolding Bond next turn. She's not bleeding yet so Joy sees it requires a drop of blood and says, "-1HP to the uninjured caster."

So Embolding bond on my panther self and Cat.

It's like the negative of Bane right? +d4 vs -d4 but doesn't require blood and is free. Save her MP for healing, we need to stay in the fight.

At higher levels I'll be able to curse cantrips while in panther form obviously I won't have any MP without a spare charged focus on my panther self but I need a druid like skill to do that, Joy's looking into exactly how that works.

Joy will handle the order of events so you're free to make your move.

Alice 06/09/2024 (Sun) 22:18 [Preview] No.4576 del
Just so you know, I am wearing my kitsune mask so I don't spook children. It's not my fault that the stupid AI can't render it into images. I'll keep trying. But generally assume I'm wearing the mask when in public.

But yeah, I must remember to show my copper tag so people don't run away or beat me to death. Good thing the children were smarter than me.

Do bonus actions stack?
My plan is to sneak up to the spellsword using stealth, use my action for shape self and engulf his head so he can't breathe. Classic slime move. Then as bonus unarmed strike grapple him using DEX bc I can. Theoretically the pseudopod is another bonus action but I leave it to Joy if I can use 2 bonus actions. I've read they do stack if they come from different sources. You can't do the same thing twice.
If I may, I will force my pseudopod into the spellsword's mouth and exert hydraulic pressure by grappling him, constricting my anterior end and forcing liquid into the pseudopod. You can imagine the result and it won't be pretty.
According to pascal's principle, even a small constriction of my main body's volume will greatly expand the thin pseudopod at equal force. Think of it as a reverse hydraulic jack.

>my Panther self will actually carry them off and stuff their bodies up a tree.
What a waste! Leave this to your trusted alien. I promised you something if we win, I'll keep it! You'll love it like all my final solutions. I'll need plenty of your help for it as panther! For the sake of my personal entertainment, if we win and I'm still conscious I request a little time before others arrive at the scene. You wanna have some fun, right? Right!

Joy the DM 06/09/2024 (Sun) 22:20 [Preview] No.4577 del
>Joy hasn't finished all the character summaries for reference.

Here's a draft:

I will use this to keep track of things with your character rather than use the character sheet.

It's just easier for me to keep track. I will post this upon request.

Alice 06/09/2024 (Sun) 22:55 [Preview] No.4579 del
Thanks, awesome!

I will add a bit tomorrow if I find the time, a few of my character sheet features are missing. Some probably need to be tested out.

Joy the DM 06/09/2024 (Sun) 22:59 [Preview] No.4580 del
>generally assume I'm wearing the mask when in public.

Got it.

>Do bonus actions stack?

When I looked this up, it said, "You cannot use more than one Bonus Action on a single turn, no matter how many feats you have that call for the use of a Bonus Action. If you have multiple feats that must use a bonus action to be put into play, you can only use one of those feats per turn."

>My plan is to sneak up to the spellsword using stealth, use my action for shape self and engulf his head so he can't breathe. Classic slime move. Then as bonus unarmed strike grapple him using DEX bc I can.

Engulf will be considered a grapple, in this special case you can suffocate as you grapple as a single action. You may then use a bonus unarmed strike. 1+STR MOD damage, is that you understanding?

>Theoretically the pseudopod is another bonus action but I leave it to Joy if I can use 2 bonus actions.

I am not counting it as a bonus action, however, I will allow 2 bonus actions if they're reasonable, like Ashley Panther Disengage and Hide similar to Goblin Disengage and Hide bonus actions once per turn.

>If I may, I will force my pseudopod into the spellsword's mouth and exert hydraulic pressure by grappling him

If you enter the mouth, I will allow him to bite as an improvised weapon 1d4+STR MOD guaranteed hit, so go through the nose if you are able or just cover both nose and face.

>hydraulic jack

I consulted Bear on this. He said it's plausible but you would only have a small pressure potential unless someone external to you pressed you (unless you have some sort of musculature like smooth muscle cells do for arteries), anyway you will have enough to hold on or form a shape in the esophagus and block the airway.

Otherwise tell me what pressure you think you can exert on your own body in your pressure units of choice.

Vanilla suffocation is actually a very long process. it allows "a number of minutes equal to 1+CON MOD for a minimum of 30 seconds." So if he had a CON MOD of +2 it would take 3 minutes or 30 turns (6 seconds each) to suffocate him. Most battles are over in 5 turns. So as a strategy, it's poor. Then the suffocation phase would still take a number of turns equal to 1+CON MOD, again given +2 CON MOD, that would be 33 turns to get him to unconsciousness.

If you could somehow suck out his air and replace it with inert gas, that would skip to the suffocation phase, so 1+CON MOD turns to unconsciousness. Just sucking out his breath, I'll cut his ability to hold his breath equal to 20% or 30x.2=6 turns before suffocation so a total of 9 turns to unconsciousness.

Grappling will already:
1. offer advantage on attacks to the grappler
2. immobilize the grappled
3. cause the grappled to have disadvantage on attacks which will override advantage.
4. neither can cast spells requiring somatic gestures
5. the grappled cannot change weapons other than natural weapons

Should I give additional benefit for grappling with pseudopods? convince me.

Joy the DM 06/09/2024 (Sun) 23:00 [Preview] No.4581 del

Please do so I have an accurate way to track. Ashley may also remind you of things in the heat of battle.

Tamamo 06/10/2024 (Mon) 08:43 [Preview] No.4582 del
Let's keep things reasonably simple before this turns into a scientific paper

I think this is way less effective than a grapple / shove combo. Grapple as attack and shove prone as bonus action. You can use DEX plus your acrobatics skill for both DCs as monk now with the new rules Kashtan posted above. Thats pretty cool!

Joy 06/10/2024 (Mon) 10:35 [Preview] No.4585 del


You didn't specifically signal Ashley but she's there with the enemy so she sees you coming.

I'll correct the order of everything once everyone has moved.

Alice 06/10/2024 (Mon) 16:51 [Preview] No.4586 del
>grapple - shove combo
Hey, I didn't even know I could so that! If it works with DEX instead of STR for me, this is the way I go.

Anonymous 06/11/2024 (Tue) 00:16 [Preview] No.4591 del
shit thats even more creepy than without the mask

>these two will have some shenanigans that might make it very confusing including healing and other odd effects at their class and level and equipment.
oof i hope we survive ths Yulya isnt overly optimistic

Corrections Joy the DM 06/11/2024 (Tue) 03:37 [Preview] No.4595 del

I forgot to show the disadvantage to the grapple and prone rolls, no change needed.

Anonymous 06/11/2024 (Tue) 21:11 [Preview] No.4598 del
(36.22 KB 400x296 literally me.jpeg)
>transparent stats
hmm I dunno. we should learn about monsters assuming all monsters of a type have the same stats. so if you encounter a monster you know its stats.
but people? in a world with magic you cant judge a book by its cover. so i dunno if we should know their stats without investigation or some skill. i am sure Alice has no idea of a creatures hp because alien. its in her stats.

i mean yeah it is more exciting without knowing the enemys stats if they dont know ours as well. but for first fight i think its good as some sort of tutorial. otherwise we have even less idea about whats going on.

tl dr Joy should decide. maybe an int check?

>attacking body parts
no idea how this is handled in vanilla. can you choose to attack some body part? i think this was Ashleys idea to begin with.
>purpose and a penalty
sounds fair

wew everything went a lot better than expected. by a ton. they could easily kill us with their stats and equipment. the gods are with us.

wtf why would you willingly wear that is the guy a masochist or does he get paid? ok peace domain protective bond does something similar but wih much more abuse potential.

sorry for lots of questions:
was the spellsword prone before Alices attack? you write both are prone before Alices actions occur

can Yulya now safely disengage without provoking an opportunity attack? they are prone and have bigger problems right now than attack her

what happens if Yulya uses sacred flame on the spellsword? can she accidentally hit Alice?

wouldnt the optimal strategy be to focus all attack on the ranger? his damage also goes to the spellsword. does that continue even if he's down to 0 hp? will the rangers ac be down to 16 for this round?

Yulyas plan would be to back off and cast sacred flame on the spellsword. the ranger has higher dex thats not good. or cast bane to further debuff them.

Joy the DM 06/11/2024 (Tue) 21:48 [Preview] No.4599 del
>was the spellsword prone before Alices attack? you write both are prone before Alices actions occur

Something got cut paste, sorry, Alice did knock him prone so ignore that.

I love answering questions.

>Can Yulya now safely disengage without provoking an opportunity attack? they are prone and have bigger problems right now than attack her

Yes, they're on the ground, she can get away.

>what happens if Yulya uses sacred flame on the spellsword? can she accidentally hit Alice?

"Descends on a creature" makes me think of a light from above. "Flame" makes me think of fire. Either of those would affect Alice, but "a creature" is a key point, not "a 5ft square".

If it was a fire attack, Alice would be burned. It's not.

If it came from a direction like a spell attack, Alice could be hit.

I would lean toward something like if you attack a creature and hit natural 1 the attack hits the grappler and say if they resist the spell with dexterity and its a natural 20 on dex then Alice would also be affected, but only on 20 since she's coupled to him.

>wouldn't the optimal strategy be to focus all attack on the ranger?

[Ashley] Joy won't answer that, it's a conflict of interest with her, but I would say yes, get them down to 1 the ranger has essentially 4 hp left but he does have 21AC rn which is why sacred flame is great, hit the dang Ranger with sacred flame, it ignores AC

>his damage also goes to the spellsword. does that continue even if he's down to 0 hp?

As long as he's still alive, yes. If you exceed -20hp or if he dies from lost saving throws the rings lose their bond. He has already been technically downed twice and the rings still worked and revived him twice.

>will the rangers ac be down to 16 for this round?

>until his next turn

No, he gas 21 until he gets his turn next round whether he is consious or not.

>Yulyas plan would be to back off and cast sacred flame on the spellsword.

"It's the perfect plan" - Twilight Sparkle

[Ashley] noooooo

>or cast bane to further debuff them.

[Ashley] no.

Joy the DM 06/11/2024 (Tue) 21:58 [Preview] No.4600 del

To be clear, the ring of shared suffering only goes one way from Ranger to Spellsword. Hitting the Spellsword would not affect the Ranger.

Alice 06/11/2024 (Tue) 22:40 [Preview] No.4601 del
Oh boy, I did get my Tokyo drift rothé cart after all! And I'm a master grappler now! Is this Christmas or what? I'm just glad I didn't have to grapple the nigger, I mean eww! Burn him to a crisp, Yulya!

As for me, I think it's clear. My options are limited, I'll just attack the spellsword with my spear one-handed while keeping him grappled. Don't accidentally hit me, guys, attack the ranger instead!

And all hail Mr. Bigglesworth! mfw a mecha-cat has better social skills than all of us

Tamamo 06/12/2024 (Wed) 06:47 [Preview] No.4602 del
All according to keikaku, very nice!!

Cat will continue to claw the ranger, what else! I think it's clear what everyone will be doing so we'll go first.

Alice 06/13/2024 (Thu) 14:23 [Preview] No.4609 del
(33.54 KB 525x590 pls.jpg)
>when the thievin' panther steals all you precious corpses
God damned, I don't mind if you eat the nigger but running off with both is just greedy! What about me? Can't I have any fun?
I'd given you the bones and intestines to dispose of anyway.

So pweeease can you leave us the spellsword so Cat and me can cook him and make a great meal for all the exhausted children? I promised you some fun if we win, didn't I? Gotta keep my promise!

Yulya will be sent away to look after the kids / get trauma therapy from Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth and there will be no ethical issues. I have no god to judge me and I don't think the Catgod disapproves of eating humans. So - everyone's a winner!
I have it all worked out already.

I will briefly clean and absorb any traces on the crime scene from the ground, loot and Cat's claws and my spear, then we will load the loot into our cart.

We will butcher and cook the guy behind the rock at the north end of the junction and season him with herring and Cat's rations so it's enough for all children.
It's a miracle like Jesus feeding of the 5.000.

Yulya will look after the kids, give them water from our 2 waterskins and treat wounds with my healer's kit until food's ready. And try to set them free from their shackles of course. I will come help as soon as I'm done with the dirty work and Cat is cooking. Then we will eat and celebrate!

Compromise Joy the Fair 06/13/2024 (Thu) 17:34 [Preview] No.4612 del

Your proposal for openly flaying and or molesting corpses in clear view of passers-bys and a dozen children plus Yulya was denied by Ashley Panther. Please read:


For a compromise.

Alice 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:24 [Preview] No.4613 del
(65.50 KB 956x665 haaahh.jpg)
Haaaahh, fine!
We would have done it behind the rock but if I have to go collect my prized human meat, I'll do it. With Cat, she's the expert in preparing humans in the most tasty way! Will you come with me, Cat?

Joy the Wise 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:52 [Preview] No.4614 del

Unless you want to be caught as a prime suspect to murder, as might be assumed if you are witnessed butchering a missing person of the trade guild, and furthermore tried for said butchering at the very least, you should try to be more discrete.

>behind a rock

That is not out of plain sight to passers-bys which are likely to occur within the hour.

It would turn "Dungeons and Dragons" into "Court proceedings and Murderers". Not to mention intent to force cannibalism on chained children.

If they don't know, it won't hurt them. Prions aren't a thing in this world.

Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 21:32 [Preview] No.4615 del
(1.53 MB 320x240 I see nothing.mp4)
not even surprised i knew something crazy would happen. well were outta this Yulya will look after the kids.

Ashley: Currently a Panther 06/14/2024 (Fri) 01:11 [Preview] No.4618 del
(108.74 KB 500x781 8tt0xp.jpg)

Level 2 Joy the DM 06/14/2024 (Fri) 02:15 [Preview] No.4619 del
(790.50 KB 1238x530 MECHATHEREAL LYNX.png)
Start thinking about what your character will be at level 2.

Sneak peek of Ashley's level 2:

She gets this new summon, a 1MP spell 1 each cast.
Also at level 2, she gets 2 Mechathereal small cats guaranteed. So it's a choice between 2 very light cats or this Lynx.

Also, Ashley will get 5MP instead of 2MP and she will have 10HP instead of 6. No other changes.

Tamamo 06/14/2024 (Fri) 13:10 [Preview] No.4621 del
Killing random humans, cooking them and feeding them to children isn't normal. But with Alice it is. You know you've been hanging out too much with her when you don't even care anymore.

Joy the DM 06/14/2024 (Fri) 18:45 [Preview] No.4622 del
Bear is doing another one of those days where he starts work as soon as he gets up, so the update will come in about 6 hours or so.

I hope to have the next scene and the loot list.

No one should be able to deny that Robinhood banditry isn't profitable.

You might want to also move off the road as setting up on the inlet to the Triboar Trail isn't acceptable, a road master will be by eventually to tell you to move it along.

I will say, however, the keys to the shackles were on the Spellsword, so you can unlock the children assuming they'll follow orders.

I recommend going back to the rest stop a few hours north. Dragons aside it's much safer there.

Speaking of, dragons are cold blooded and don't need to eat every day, perhaps only a few times a season.

Someone will ask where these kids came from, someone may find the runaway cart and trace it back.

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 21:07 [Preview] No.4627 del
>what Yulya thought this game would be like
she didn't expect niggers

take your time we got no idea what to do from here. as said Yulya doesnt want to disappoint Gundren. can we at least leave him a message?
another option would be to split up but we dont think thats a good idea.

>several hours back to the stop
are the kids even in shape to walk there? Or do they fit on our cart? i dunno, these guys made the kids walk on the high road in broad view and they would have passed by the stop so they might be known or even expected there. if we show up there with the kids instead this will raise questions and someone knowing those guys we killed might inspect our cargo and find the loot. what if we take them to Phandalin?

Yulya says we should ask the kids we got no idea who they are where they are from and whats even going on. i mean we are not gonna drag them somewhere they dont want to go. but yeah we need to drop them off somewhere safe asap

Ashley Panther 06/15/2024 (Sat) 02:20 [Preview] No.4634 del
(456.75 KB 1500x1120 Mematic_20240613_031151.jpg)

Joy the DM 06/15/2024 (Sat) 02:35 [Preview] No.4635 del
(30.16 KB 375x240 Picture3.jpg)

I made the executive decision to decide for you because Alice was already cooking in the middle of the road.

If you want to do something other than how I described it, then I can simply ammend or rewrite them.

However, the children are small so they crammed into and onto the cart with Ashley Panther and her summons.

They're safe and happy playing in a field. They understand your situation as much as you want them to know.

The Triboar Trail is likely not safe or Gundren wouldn't have needed to hire you. Goblins also like long pig, especially long pig veal, so taking them to Phandalin is not well advised given the current data.

Look at the scene and take it in, there are plenty of options. Again, the quest you're on is not time limited, only the bonus gold was but after you see loot01 you shouldn't be worried about that.

You can literally do whatever you want including taking them to the Neverwinter orphanage and leveling up. I'm just saying that's an option.

Alice 06/15/2024 (Sat) 19:39 [Preview] No.4636 del
>OP evil slavers didn't get to make a single move
What kind of glitch was that even? That battle was anticlimactic, not that I'm complaining mind you! I thought they would mop the floor with us rookies.
Well, if it makes you feel better, they will serve as dinner so their appearance isn't over yet. They will always be a part of us.
That said, can I finally cook and eat them now with everyone before they go bad? It's an important imagistic ritual you know!

>back at the dirty prostitute
I knew this wasn't the last time we saw her. Obviously.
So now what? If we don't want them to end up as dirty prostitutes as well, we gotta do something. A truck stop is no place for kids even an alien monster knows that

I say we report what happened to the roadmaster. Minus unimportant details ofc. But as much as the children know. Then we decide what to do. If the kids want to go to neverwinter we can take them to the orphanage there and report what happened to the guild. But it also hurts my pride to disappoint Gundren. I like that dwarf.
Can we tell the roadmaster that we need to return and that our detour should be reported to Gundren? He's probably worried we disappeared.

>Baldur's gate
Depending on Freya's opinion we can look into this, I mean duh what choice do we have if the kids ask us, but we should finish our mission for Gundren first.

>You can literally do whatever you want
Then why am I not in the middle of the road stirring a pot full of human body parts? Rest assured I've got more things up my sleeve and this won't be the lasst time I make creative use of fools that piss me off. Be it humans, dragons or gods. Or my arch-enemy, the orb.

Joy the DM 06/15/2024 (Sat) 20:07 [Preview] No.4637 del
(3.11 MB 320x180 iXy86T.gif)
>What kind of glitch was that even? That battle was anticlimactic, not that I'm complaining mind you! I thought they would mop the floor with us rookies.

I've never been so disappointed. That just means I need to step it up. This was completely ruled by the rolls, Ashley forced me to. So you know what that means? The rolls can be completely lopsided the other way. I calculated that it would be possible for two goblins to TPK you if they had the luck and advantages you did.

Frankly you all worked as a perfect team with no mistakes at all. If you had made one or two mistakes or had taken it less seriously you could still have easily lost.

>can I finally cook and eat them now

I feel like you aren't reading anything I wrote.

>Then why am I not in the middle of the road stirring a pot full of human body parts?

When I said 'anything', I meant within the things I also want to be a part of. If you did, then there would be inquiries and complications that would throw everything to the wind. If you really want that, turn yourself in. If you really don't want that then I'll have to guide the narrative to more productive outcomes.

>the orb

The orb is a doorway, it's not even a door or a frame, it's literally the space that's left over then the door is not closed. Your enemy is an interdimensional pathway. So that would mean you could fight against the use of orbs and that you would have to take up with the gods since they're made and maintained by the gods. In fact the whole leveling system is due to the gods.

Though you will reach the level of a demigod at level 20, a demigod is still constrained by things gods don't have to deal with. That said, you could still be very annoying to them and like SheShe's dealings with The Raven Queen, they'll be mostly unable to touch you, though you will also not be able to stop them directly.

Hm, maybe we should have you all fight a demon god, let's see if dice rolls help you then. It's worthy of an experiment.

The attached picture isn't meant for any of you, it's meant to be aimed at the impossibly good dice rolls you got. However, I have to give credit to your teamwork and planning, it was very good and you deserve the rewards, so I'm not upset.

Tamamo 06/16/2024 (Sun) 11:50 [Preview] No.4638 del
Poor Joy having to deal with Alice's nonsense. Just ignore it you won't convince her of anything.

Hmm so you know Cat doesn't care much about details and says we should return to Neverwinter with the kids, then look for the missing ones. She will leave the small details to others.

I want to add a bit. Can Cat just wear the half-plate? Won't anybody ask questions where we got that from? Is it recognizable? I think the weapons are. What do we say if anybody asks us where we got that stuff from? Found it on the road?

And how much meat do we have now? How much mystery meat and how much boar meat and how much is Cat cooking for 12 kids and the 4 of us?
The inventory is a mess right now.

Joy the DM 06/16/2024 (Sun) 13:42 [Preview] No.4639 del
>Can Cat just wear the half-plate?
It is unmarked, standard Half-plate, you can certainly wear it or sell it.

>Won't anybody ask questions where we got that from?

Adventurers are trusted. However if you're wearing the exact outfit of one of two missing persons with the same weapons and rings, someone who knows of them might figure it out. The likelihood is very low. In other words, you're safe.

>I think the weapons are.
The +1 great sword and bow are innocuous and available for sale in the weapon shop. The short sword is somewhat unique and so that one might raise an eyebrow again if someone who knew the previous owner saw you with it. However, anyone seeing that sword on you would either be in battle with you or looting your corpse, so again likely safe.

>What do we say if anybody asks us where we got that stuff from? Found it on the road?

That's up to you, but generally speaking the likelihood of someone asking is low, selling them all to the same vendor is probably a higher likelihood of someone finding you if they were looking. Will anyone look? Even I can't say at this point.

>How much meat?
12lbs Boar meat
45lbs perfectly nutritious Spellsword meat

Note: Meat can be stored, it will not rot. You can preserve it, cure it or dry age it and eat it in any of these forms. Other foodstuffs also do not expire.

Based on comments, I presume neither Alice nor Yulya's host could stomach the dark meat.

Cat would need to cook 1lb per person per day. That's something like the minimum calories needed for 8 hours of non-resting. 1.5lbs given you may be walking/exploring for 12 hours. 2lbs for a very busy day. In this case, use a 1.5x modifier and be safe for whatever you need to do today, so 24lbs in the pot for hearty meat stew for everyone, though Ashley Panther already ate the offal and bones, so she doesn't need any, so say ~23lbs.

I want to note that the net value of equipment and loot you received for this was equivalent to near the maximum if you had to fight the two rothés and the two men together that would have been a CR of 12! At your levels a CR of 2 is a difficult to deadly encounter though there is a benefit to outnumbering the enemy by about 1.5 so "hard" you fought a CR equivalent of 4 with these two men, had advantage, surprise, and godly rolls.

Additionally One of these men was obviously a noble with the fine clothes, so expect that someone will be looking for them and asking around for them eventually, so get your stories straight. That's a lot of gold value to unload all in one shop though I suspect you'll keep a lot of the equipment and the two foci. Giving one to Yulya and one to Ashley and loading Yulya's up with mana is a good idea for her revive spell.

Ashley can use hers to boost spells to lvl2 even if she can't cast lvl2 spells directly.

Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 15:10 [Preview] No.4640 del
>Based on comments, I presume neither Alice nor Yulya's host could stomach the dark meat.
Alice routinely eats humans even outside d&d in her fucked up dreams. she will probably east most enemies we kill human or not. Cat wont mind either. Yulya ofc wouldnt eat human but she doesnt know where the meat is from neither does Ashley or the kids. i dont play so whatever. so if Cat cooks everything into rations or dinner now nobody will have a problem.

but our loot is. Yulyas worst fear rn is distribution without causing drama with Ashley again. when shes human again she gotta state what she wants as her share.

apart from that yeah i agree we gotta report to the roadmaster what happened. but what? technically we stole the kids. and we mysteriously have a lot of new equipment. even if we say the guys ran away when we confronted them about the kids we have a problem. They were headed for neverwinter and probably wanted to enter and register there.
and we gotta get rid of that sigil ring asap if thatsnot inciminating what is? maybe memorize the crest to find out who they were but then have Alice dissolve it or something. same with any merchant plates of them cant they be used to track people like the ones for adventurers?

Joy the DM 06/16/2024 (Sun) 16:53 [Preview] No.4641 del

>distribution without causing drama with Ashley again

She will speak for herself but she does have a proposal based on the proposal she accepted with Bear's group it would be 1/8th the loot upon sale and 1/4 the coin minus expenses such as registering children and 100% of coin she earns from quests, so start there. She won't care about things people use like the half plate, she will therefore also accept things but might keep a hidden list of what to pay back.

>cant they be used to track people like the ones for adventurers?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you might want to leave them with what's left of the bodies.

Alice 06/16/2024 (Sun) 20:44 [Preview] No.4643 del
>The orb is a doorway, it's not even a door or a frame, it's literally the space that's left over then the door is not closed. Your enemy is an interdimensional pathway.
And I intend to abuse this pathway to the fullest for my personal entertainment. Something will end up at the other side, the pheasant was just a test run.

Alice 06/16/2024 (Sun) 21:00 [Preview] No.4644 del
(101.53 KB 1024x764 983baad74706b64f4ba.jpg)
>Alice routinely eats humans even outside d&d in her fucked up dreams.

>she will probably east most enemies we kill human or not.
You better get used to it.
I still don't get what we're eating now but I don't care. Cat will make sure it's tasty, that's all that matters.

>Ring of Shared Suffering
>living creatures
>willing participants
Nooo, can't I put this on the orb? Half damage goes to some god. That would be a blast. Well, I can't use it anyway because magic.

Alice 06/16/2024 (Sun) 22:14 [Preview] No.4646 del
Ok, we gotta come up with a story now. There were some good ideas but none makes fully sense. I agree we gotta report to the roadmaster that and how we picked up the kids. I assume they will question the kids too so the story should be coherent with their level of knowledge.

We got stuck, the guys stopped and had the suffering and exhausted kids chained to the cart. We confronted them and unchained the kids then they sped away with their cart. We saw the overturned cart on the road back, they should investigate from there. Bah, that sucks and isn't convincing at all. Everything points to us as the culprits. We could only say that the rothé would not abandon their master so he must have been on bord until the cart crashed.

>In addition there is a small pouch labled ENTRY, REG, MEAL containing 60sp and 80gp
A riddle! They probably tried to enter Neverwinter and register as adventurers? I have no idea and don't pay attention to Joy's lectures. But entry for the kids alone should be 60gp assuming the two don't need to pay because they have merchant tags and the ring. That leaves 26gp. 2x10 for registration of the guys at the guild and 2x3 for a meal. Correct? Wait, they're evil, could they even register?
In any case somebody probably expects the kids to arrive in Neverwinter and that's not good. But I see no other option. If we get them into the guild to testify, Freya, Brutus and the others will make sure they won't get enslaved. Probably. I'd love to have them as teammates but seeing kids die on every quest is not my thing. So we need to deposit them at some orphanage. The guild will know.

Yulya should try to decipher the text fragment and look at the spellbook! Could she learn what's in there?

>signet ring
We absolutely need to get rid of this evidence. I mean we could use it to impersonate a noble but still. What is it made of? I could eat it for now together with our gold coins.

>1gp each
No goddamned! 20 arrows cost 1gp! We already settled this! Well we aint gonna sell them anyway

Alice 06/16/2024 (Sun) 22:33 [Preview] No.4647 del
>you might want to leave identification plates with what's left of the bodies.
Nah, it's better to have them missing than confirmed dead when their remins are found without any gear. I suggest throwing the cleaned silver merchant plate at their cart as we pass by.
I'm conflicted sbout the ring but I also lean toward destroying it. We don't want to get involved with nobles. We want to kill and eat them. But we neet to memorize or copy the family crest of the ring.

Ashley Panther 06/17/2024 (Mon) 03:05 [Preview] No.4648 del
>I'm conflicted sbout the ring

Tamamo 06/17/2024 (Mon) 08:20 [Preview] No.4649 del
>24lbs for 16 persons
The 8year old kids eat the same as an adventurer? That's 1.5lbs which is 0.7 kg per child. They probably are hungry. But there will be something left for Ashley for sure.
Cat will cook the 12lbs boar meat plus 13lbs mystery meat. That leaves 32lbs mystery meat that will be preserved. We need water too because this are not full rations. Somebody needs to get it with our glass jar while Cat is cooking. We will also fill it and our 3 waterskins before we leave. We can feed the kids for a max of 3 days after this with all our food unless Ashley hunts more.

No idea about our story. Yulya?
Should we mention the accident? The driver was run over. What do the children know? I think they were told about an accident.
They fled when we confronted them about the kids which are no legal slaves and they left them behind speeding off. There was an accident where the driver was injured but they escaped. We found the cart turned over on the way back with the rothé broken free but no sign of them. Sounds ok.

Yulya should try to decipher the text immediately. Then we hide the loot among the cargo. Alice swallows gold coins and ring to keep them safe. We shouldn't wear or use any of the loot now or at the guild.

>leaving the plate at the cart
Good idea!
It would be suspicious when their corpses are found where we encountered them and far away from their cart.

Tamamo 06/18/2024 (Tue) 10:18 [Preview] No.4659 del
>it's a fine, partly cloudy day, about 13C.
Wow, thats really cold for noon!
Where will the kids sleep at night?

So who wants what? Selling things we could use in some form is a waste. Cat will obviously get the half plate and great sword. Probably the long bow too?

Most money will be spent on entry to Neverwinter for the kids. Unless they want to go somewhere else. So we probably need to sell things to get some money.

Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 18:21 [Preview] No.4664 del
ayy lmao that pic
did you make that Tamamo?

we see what Ashley can use then sell the rest. Yulya gets one of the focus crystals and the prayer book. Who has more use for the more valuable focus? whats their quality?
the pendant for 121gp can store 2mp
the belt gem for 226gp can store a whopping 6mp. i say we use this one for Yulyas revive spell. once shes lv2 she needs a focus worth 50+50 per lv so at least 150gp for lv2. it doesnt work with the pendant worth 121gp correct?

so penddant for Ashley

i think none of us has use for clothes except Ashley. can she wear the studded armor?

>Most money will be spent on entry to Neverwinter for the kids.
thats a hefty 60 gp. maybe Alice should eat a few to lower the cost lol.

>registering children
wait we gotta register them at the guild too? cant we drop them off at the orphanage? registering costs 120gp so 180gp in total. like Alice said it would be awesome to have tham as party members but Yulya dont wanna see any little kids die either. theyre too yong to be adventurers.

Yulyas preparing to report to the roadmaster next round. sweatenings intensify.

Joy the DM 06/18/2024 (Tue) 19:09 [Preview] No.4665 del

>Who has more use for the more valuable focus? whats their quality?

A focus is only for those who have magic capability, but can also be used as an ingredient to make magic items and weapons.

I talked myself out of the quality system for now. Simply put a focus can be used to store MP and that MP can be used for any purpose, but it's a one shot. So if you loaded that 6MP gem and cadt Cure Wounds with it, unpredictable results may occur. It may cause a mass heal (even including the enemy) it may Simply waste the extra mana, ot may give you bonus temporary HP.

There is a small chance of the gem cracking or disintegrating as it does when you use revive currently. I am thinking about allowing it to be just a chance of being destroyed instead of a guarantee for that spell.

So Gems are assumed always to be high quality and there is a hidden (low) chance of them failing.

>it doesnt work with the pendant worth 121gp correct?

It would only work for a level 1, yes.

The 200gold+ would work up to level 3.

>can she wear the studded armor?

Unless I change something, she's not proficient with any armor so it would disturb her ability to cast spells according to vanilla rules.

>Most money will be spent on entry to Neverwinter for the kids

Entry 5gp, registration at the Hall of Justice 5sp, food, lodging, possible fees at the orphanage or just logistics, do they have room available?

>wait we gotta register them at the guild too?

If they're going to be adventurers yes, otherwise no.

Tamamo 06/19/2024 (Wed) 10:07 [Preview] No.4667 del
Hmm how does Ashley know what human stew smells like? Yulya doesn't.

>split up
Dang we should have left a message with chalk on a rock. We talked about it, why didn't we do it?
The plan was to tell the roadmaster, the message could be relayed to Phandalin. Gundren is well known. How would any of us even get there? Take another cart to Phandalin? And who? We are barely a functioning party with 4 and a single one of us is dead meat. Literally. I don't think we can send a wasp with a note attached, right?

>No armor for Ashley
Sucks to be her. Alice can't use armor either and Yulya and Cat have one.

>ayy lmao that pic
>did you make that Tamamo?
Nope, all original, I've been waiting to use this

Ashley 06/19/2024 (Wed) 11:50 [Preview] No.4670 del
>Hmm how does Ashley know what human stew smells like? Yulya doesn't.

It probably stinks, that's all. I'm the one who doesn't like to eat in the system anyway.

>the message could be relayed to Phandalin.

There are curriers, we could arrange a currier but not from here, not until we get to Neverwinter unless one rides by but we have to catch him, it's an unlikely roll. In any case even if we leave now 12:00, it's 9 hours north and the horses might ride at night with Cat but the currier service is likely a 6:00-18:00 business like everyone else so at minimum tomorrow morning, and the currier can likely go fast so maybe 1 day to Phandalin but that's still the end of the day after tomorrow at minimum and that's only if they left at 6:00, they probably won't leave until they could get here to the rest stop same day so that's still two days minimum for the currier plus us getting up there and sending the message tomorrow so three or four days!

The rock is only 3 hours south.

>I don't think we can send a wasp with a note attached, right?

I can only control them well within 120ft.

We have 4 horses, only need 3, someone could ride south fast and likely be at the rock in 1 hour then catch back up to us. A horse can outrun a mountain lion or Bear.

Alice 06/19/2024 (Wed) 14:39 [Preview] No.4671 del
(22.44 KB 264x345 meh.jpg)
>It probably stinks
No criticizing Cat's food or we'll be in a fight again,kiddo!

But maaan, not leaving a message was a blunder. What if they went there to look for us in the mean time? I smell a plot by Joy to divide us! Now going back is a huge detour. If me must, I vote for Cat. She's the most capable, has stealth, survival, animal handling insane strength, good weapons and charisma. She can handle things on her own.
I can't ride a horse, don't even try! Yulya and Ashley can't defend themselves and are easy prey on their own. In any case we should tell the roadmaster. Just gtfo is suspicious. Hanna will tell him about the kids for sure.

Ashley 06/19/2024 (Wed) 15:04 [Preview] No.4673 del

Who knows where a road master is, we can't wait around, I say have Cat race south, do we even have chalk?

We can go back to Neverwinter and get leveled she can catch up to us easily. Horses can go like 30 mph, she could go there, mark it and be back within the hour or easily catch up with us.

We could possibly make it to Neverwinter by midnight if Cat pushes the horses, get ready early and head back south. Assuming the kids can be left in Neverwinter. I doubt Freya will take them but there is an orphanage.

Alice 06/19/2024 (Wed) 16:11 [Preview] No.4674 del
Of course we have chalk, all of us for exactly this reason. Yulya even gave you one when you gave us the presents!
>Oh dear all we got you is a piece of soap and some chalk!

So Cat it is unless there are objections. She can leave immediately while we eat

Joy 06/19/2024 (Wed) 18:33 [Preview] No.4677 del

Did you know, lobsters are healthiest and grow fastest when they eat lobsters?

We should never have a food shortage in the world as long as there at least 2 people.

[Autumn] Joy was a huge Rimworld fan, and the most plentiful food source is raiders.

Ah yes, and that game served us well for years. Sadly we can't imagine playing that game anymore we played it to death.

Alice 06/19/2024 (Wed) 20:11 [Preview] No.4678 del
(75.12 KB 600x817 Dungeon Meshi.jpeg)
It's not cannibalism because nobody ecxcept Ashley's human. Cat is Tabaxi, Yulya Aasimar and I'm an alien construct. But Cat and me will turn this into Dungeon Meshi and try to cook every foe we kill and see how it turns out.
No exceptions.

Anonymous 06/19/2024 (Wed) 23:02 [Preview] No.4679 del
i dont like it but if Cat has to return to the road fork so be it. should she wear the armor sword and magic bow? would be awkward if she ran into Gundren with new gear. leave your rations theyre unnecessary heavy.
i somehow feel Cat should take the potion. we have Yulyas healing hands

Ashley 06/20/2024 (Thu) 00:15 [Preview] No.4682 del

>Should she wear the armor sword and magic bow? And potion

Yes, no one will care I bet. 1. No one knew she didn't have the bow or sword, 2. Gundren probably didn't see past the boobs, he's a guy remember?


>so what do we do with the spell book?

Sell it? Though it might have his name or something, I'll look at it and Joy can tell us if it's sellable or incriminating.

>it shows they were into some trickery.

Could be good evidence for our murder trial, maybe keep it.

>and about this focus things like scraps of paper cant a cleric substitute any focus with a holy symbol?

If you say so, but he wasn't a cleric

>Ashley should at least have a look at the book once the kidds are asleep.

Save it for Neverwinter then we gotta go.

Ashley 06/20/2024 (Thu) 16:32 [Preview] No.4687 del

I think our cheerful Cat's been replaced by a mimic.

Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 20:17 [Preview] No.4688 del
lol Tamamo posted in wrong thread too good to see im not the only idiot

ok when Cat is on her way we can divide the loot. if Ashley doesnt want the short sword which is a shame why shouldnt we sell it? Yulya likes close combat as much as Ashley what peace cleric has a sword. Alice has no cha and cant use magic and Cat is already a walking armory.

i looked at the loot excel if we sell:
masochist ring
sadist ring
studded armor
all clothing
we get about 190 gp
minus 80 for lv thats still 110 not bad.
and we can sell the normal longbow and a few other things so no worries. but we gotta see how much the kids cost us. Ashley should whine to Freya. cant be the heroes obligation alone to care for the rescued children the guild should help too. theyre the good guys right?

Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 20:54 [Preview] No.4689 del
(63.50 KB 640x657 beach.jpeg)
>wheres my money?
>3 gold and 4 copper

>In addition there is a small pouch labled ENTRY, REG, MEAL containing 60sp and 80gp, and in the two personal coin pouches of the two men there is 27cp, 35sp and 21gp.

Alice stored 100gp that leaves 1gp 95sp and 27cp
pls take 1gp 70sp and 4cp as your share i hope thats ok and you dont want the exct amount in gp. Alice can only store gp so giving your share in silver and not gold is a huge help for us. you dont wanna run Yulya into another nervous breakdown if she has to explain to Alice that she needs to exchange gold for silver.

Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 21:37 [Preview] No.4691 del
dezgo is kill doesnt work after they updated the site it just loads endlessly. so no more ai reaction images anymore this sucks. you guys know another free site? i dont have a gpu to run stable diffusion on my pc and dezgo also worked from laptop or even phone.

Ashley 06/20/2024 (Thu) 22:03 [Preview] No.4692 del

>no reaction images

You can't just load the images directly here? Or gyazo I have idea what you're talking about.

Alice should know

Alice 06/20/2024 (Thu) 23:09 [Preview] No.4693 del
(38.07 KB 512x512 886037.jpg)
Kashtan and me used dezgo.com to make our AI generated images. I just checked, it really loads forever and the fuckers say 'improved free mode'. My ass. It worked yesterday.

Whatever, fret not, move on. I'll look for alternatives, for now use

Ashley 06/20/2024 (Thu) 23:44 [Preview] No.4696 del

I just use Bear to make my images better based on existing images we find online.

We could try that or something.

Tamamo 06/21/2024 (Fri) 07:18 [Preview] No.4698 del
Oh noes, posted in wrong thread too!!

Haha, Cat doesn't care about such small details or money.

Good thing there are thousands of images of my tupper already out there.

Alice 06/21/2024 (Fri) 19:34 [Preview] No.4704 del
You're not waiting for me, right? I have nothing to add, please continue!

Looked at the loot, impressive but not for me. I'm not good with magical items and I don't really need any of that stuff. Maybe the dagger. We gotta talk about magic & Alice a bit in another post. It's - complicated.

Anonymous 06/22/2024 (Sat) 21:15 [Preview] No.4713 del
(30.98 KB 512x512 1376440126.jpg)
>Returned to N
>Will be in P 2 days late
lmao nya is obligatory even in written text

>Unfortunately, the poor old horses have reached their limit, they just can't go any further and the cart grinds to a halt. They're restless, hungry and tired, near exhaustion.
fugg ran out of gas just before the finish line
Cat should at least be able to use animal handling to get them to the side of the road and out of the way.

now what? we dont even have our special candy anymore. do healing potions work on horses? i dont think Yulya has a spell that works on horses but what do i know?
maybe we should just give them food and water and let them rest a bit. Alice filled the jar right?

when does the neverwinter gate close? are we in a hurry?

also dezgo works again but is slow. might try the other ai image generator too but I really like the consistent Yulya characters the dezgo toonify2 model creates. cute!

Sometimes the answer is obvious. Ashley 06/23/2024 (Sun) 00:32 [Preview] No.4717 del
(8.18 MB 728x408 Tent Rave.gif)
>now what?

YDYM get the kids and set up the tent, now we dance!

Sounds like someone needs to get to Neverwinter ASAP!

https://youtube.com/watch?v=l1dTcUyzQL8 [Embed]

Tamamo 06/23/2024 (Sun) 09:43 [Preview] No.4719 del
(14.63 KB 225x290 4c9caa29bb5acd2.jpg)
>stealth does not work when you're in plain sight, say on an open road
Sorry, Cat doesn't care about details. Should have worded that more precisely. The idea was to get off the horse near the rock and sneak along the bushes at edge of the road. The rock isn't in the middle of the road.

>split up
Don't get it. You wanna walk 5 miles to the city in the cold with the exhausted kids that are finally asleep? While Cat stays with the cart and lets the horses rest? How long does that take, maybe 1.5h at 3mph normal traveling speed?
And how long do the horses need to rest if Cat feeds them now and coaxes them to go on with animal handling? The cart will be much lighter without 12 kids and 3.5 adventurers though.

Another important question is when the Neverwinter gate closes. No point rushing there if they wont let us in during night time. They'd be stuck out there in the cold.

Alice 06/23/2024 (Sun) 12:30 [Preview] No.4721 del
(54.83 KB 600x600 43694bdd4844450660.jpg)
Alice's helpful advice:
-> feed the horses human flesh
-> make the wasps sting them in the butt
-> arrive in Neverwinter in under 5min

Ashley 06/23/2024 (Sun) 13:01 [Preview] No.4722 del
>You wanna walk 5 miles to the city in the cold with the exhausted kids that are finally asleep?

Wake me up or go yourself, leave the kids asleep, someone could run to Neverwinter in an hour and check out the gate. The cart could stay on the side of the road, having the kids asleep in it is perfect as far as we're concerned. Let the horses sleep.

I don't think we even need to move the horses, just let them rest until or if someone comes or the morning. It even saves us lodging.

Anonymous 06/23/2024 (Sun) 16:25 [Preview] No.4724 del
(56.20 KB 640x640 1492292366002.jpg)
voting for Cat again shes our one catgirl army. Alice would not do well in cold and Ashley and Yulya are sitting ducks on their own. if Ashley gets attacked and has to turn into a panther she cant even communicate at the gate. Cat it is.

Tamamo 06/24/2024 (Mon) 07:47 [Preview] No.4734 del
Cat is simply the best!

>[1d20=1] [1d20=8] [1d4=4] wow [1d6=3]
Can you explein these dice rolls? What are they for?

And why is there a roll for Ashley's Deception but not for Yulya's Persuasion?

Joy the DM 06/24/2024 (Mon) 15:17 [Preview] No.4739 del

>Can you explein these dice rolls? What are they for?

This is my encounter rolls triggered by the passing of every hour at night that you're exposed. You're on a main road so only a natural 1 will spawn an encounter, There's a lookup table for possible encounters in this particular area on this particular road, the closer to 1, the more serious. Given 8 here there are 4 outcomes currently, I can tell you 4 is the only non-agressively hostile one. Then the last (3) is the number of this particular group.

I got a little excited that you rolled an 8 but then mixed with a 4 was your own good luck. Obviously getting into battle at this point would be messy.

>why is there a roll for Ashley's Deception but not for Yulya's Persuasion?

What Yulya said were the facts, there was no attempt at persuasion that I could tell.

A subtle difference with Ashley's "facts" was that she said you all didn't see anyone which has a greater implication that you had nothing to do with it what might have occurred. That might have been ok. But saying "they could be hiding" is a clear lie, you know they're not "hiding". A better choice of words on her part wouldn't have needed a check, but once she said it I didn't let her take it back.

Anonymous 06/24/2024 (Mon) 17:00 [Preview] No.4740 del
>no persuasion check needed bc Yulya didnt lie
from PHB:
>“When you attempt to influence someone or a group of people with tact, social graces, or good nature, the DM might ask you to make a Charisma (Persuasion) check. Typically, you use persuasion when acting in good faith, to foster friendships, make cordial requests, or exhibit proper etiquette. Examples of persuading others include convincing a chamberlain to let your party see the king, negotiate peace between warring tribes, or inspiring a crowd of townsfolk.”

persuasion is not about lying but acting in good faith. Yulya tried to coax the roadmaster into doing something for us he most likely wouldnt under normal circumstances. that is to spread the message to Gundren or someone who knows him that we turned back. that was the point. i think its a perfectly fine example of the use of persuasion.

Alice 06/24/2024 (Mon) 20:46 [Preview] No.4742 del
(75.06 KB 1280x720 1499455285002.jpg)
>Dude let me in, I'm a fairy
Well playeed and well done, Cat!

Joy the DM 06/25/2024 (Tue) 00:48 [Preview] No.4746 del
>from PHB: Arguments

"The golden rule of D&D is that the word of the DM is the final say on any matter when it comes to rules. Even if it directly goes against what it says in the Player's Handbook or Dungeon Master's Guide."

[1d20+4=20] No difference.

In the future as always, I will decide when a roll is necessary. When someone is telling the truth as they see it to a person in authority, careful wording matters. I will, at my discretion, reward her for clear thinking. This isn't a rule change, it's my choice.

Sleepy Ashley 06/25/2024 (Tue) 02:05 [Preview] No.4748 del
(259.92 KB 1080x825 s-l1200.jpg)
Cat is queen of the party, MVP!

I don't always lie, but when I do it's because I'm good at it.

>persuasion is not about lying but acting in good faith

smh, I for one think Joy is doing an exemplary job! Hurrah and huzzah! I never saw her as so industrious, but she's a machine, not at all like 4 lazy horses I know.

That's just good content. It's creepy, cool, and useful, good job Alice!

I hope Yulya doesn't self destruct again. Be strong girl! Girl boss time! We need to get strong so we can just kill everything that's causing so much trouble for poor old Neverwinter and their faithful guards. Peace through strength... and murder!!!

Yes! We could make a name for ourselves, "The Death Squad" or "Reapers of Neverwinter" or even darker, "Soul Reapers." Yeah, a odd assortment of chaotic adventurers plaguing bandits, slavers of nobility and dragons alike! I'm excited.

I wonder what Freya will say when I tell her everything that's happened? I think she'll be on our side. The guild closes at Midnight and Freya usually closes so Cat should get to her in time thankfully.

I can't wait to try out a really big focus, like 12MP while casting Dampen Spirit, oh man, Joy said it would almost surely backfire but I'm willing to take that chance just to see what happens.

Alice 06/25/2024 (Tue) 14:57 [Preview] No.4751 del
>He shows the trader's plate to Yulya, "Do you know what this is? No trader would just drop it," he reads "Yalen von Brassels, good lord he's the son of a Darren von Brassels, a prominent Marquess of Baldur's Gate." he frets "We'll never hear the end of this, the relations between Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter was never that great to begin with. This could cause rising tensions to boil over. Let's prey it doesn't come to war.
Fuck, I should have dissolved that plate. I knew that nigger must have been high ranking to drag a dozen kids after his cart in bright daylight without giving a fuck. Without the plate it would have been just some overturned cart without valuable cargo.

But still that doesn't make any sense. Why would the son of a marquis drive a cart as ranger and try to enslave people on a road? Who says the guy we killed and ate was actually Yalen and not someone posing as him with his plate? The Spellsword had a disguise spell after all. We gotta find out what Yalen looked like.

And where the hell were they trying to go? Neverwinter?
Waltz into the city saying I'm the son of Darren von Brassels from Baldur's Gate and these are my slave kids I just stole from an orphanage, coming through!?
The purse suggest so but also suggests they were executing a job for someone else.

And what did they want with the furniture and reading lamps? I know nobles are insane but this just stinks. On the other hand, Ferdinand seems to be no different, maybe they had some deal going on. I wonder what he will taste like. We will roast him like a piggy

>Dragon disguised as human
Oh fuck me, sure, I'm the dragon, beat me to death, will you?
I'm staying hidden. Not that I can come out now, completely naked. Guess I'll use the usual procedure for entering the city and save us 5gp again

Anyway I'm outta ideas. Thanks to someone's lying we gotta come up with a new story. The original one that we freed the kids and the culprits drove off doesn't work anymore. Cat is right, never lie more than absolutely necessary. Fact is that the kids can identify the cart and possibly Yalen if questioned. Not to speak cat will probably spill it all to Freya anyway. At this point we can only hope we didn't kill the real Yalen but an impostor.

I'm glad I don't have to talk, I hate lying.
So what can Yulya say how we acquired the kids without getting us into more trouble.

We picked up the kids in distress thats why we turned around, they appear to come from an orphanage, maybe they

> We could make a name for ourselves, "The Death Squad" or "Reapers of Neverwinter" or even darker, "Soul Reapers." Yeah, a odd assortment of chaotic adventurers plaguing bandits, slavers of nobility and dragons alike! I'm excited.
We're the Neverwinter Pest and Weed Control. Your first address when it comes to removing pests like dragons or weeds like nobles.

I'm already working on a few anti-dragon devices that can be assembled with the stone-age technology of this world. Joy will hate them. I leave dealing with the aftermath of killing nobles to our high CHA members

Joy the DM 06/25/2024 (Tue) 16:21 [Preview] No.4753 del
>Who says the guy we killed and ate was actually Yalen and not someone posing as him with his plate? The Spellsword had a disguise spell after all. We gotta find out what Yalen looked like.

A true crime fan I see.

>The purse suggest so but also suggests they were executing a job for someone else.

This is getting interesting!

>Guess I'll use the usual procedure for entering the city and save us 5gp again

You have ID, so there is no fee, and being naked on the road between cities isn't an enforced crime. The jurisdiction of civil crimes ends at the gates. Crimes against the city, its traders, adventurers and registered properties is a different story but in your case that would be Baldur's Gate's problem.

>Joy will hate them.
We'll see.

[Ashley] the gods know everything, Freya and I have Godsight so we can speak directly to them if they choose to talk to us, especially at an orb. So technically the gods need to rat us out for Freya to know the truth and then Freya would have to rat us out. So my plan is to come clean to Freya, from our secret conversation she basically said she doesn't care what we do as long as it's not evil. We didn't commit evil persay we defended ourselves and saved children and possibly caught people in the act of human trafficking, I wonder what happened to the old orphanage manager? Did they kill her? We should have inspected the cargo. We know they had a lot of furniture and lamps, the kids said they packed up everything from the orphanage, were they going to set up their own orphanage? Maybe as a means of suppling a consistent source of slaves? I wouldn't put it past a noble to do this. I can't wait to hear what Freya says to Cat.

Sherlock Alice 06/25/2024 (Tue) 18:02 [Preview] No.4754 del
>You have ID, so there is no fee
Exactly. And that's how we will save 5gp again. Just wait and see.

>A true crime fan I see
The guy was a nigger. Niggers can't be Marquis and a Marquis doesn't marry a nigger. Host told me so. Therefore it is unlikely that the guy was the Marquis son. But we need to find out for sure.

I agree we gotta tell Freya everything. No wait, we don't, Cat will spill it all I'm sure.

>I have Godsight so we can speak directly to them if they choose to talk to us, especially at an orb
Don't get you brain fried again! Around orbs, never relax!

>I wonder what happened to the old orphanage manager?
We should investigate this after finishing Gundren's quest!

>We should have inspected the cargo.
Yeah that was an oversight. Well, we gotta learn from our mistakes.

Ashley 06/25/2024 (Tue) 18:56 [Preview] No.4755 del
>Yeah that was an oversight. Well, we gotta learn from our mistakes.

You see how crafty Joy is? She put the Rothés near the crash site meaning we might have incited them if we did. Good luck to us if two Rothés attacked.

Alice 06/25/2024 (Tue) 22:18 [Preview] No.4760 del
>You see how crafty Joy is?
Yeah of course. She's in cahoots with the orb!

We could have thought of something to distract the rothé but I didn't want to bother back then.

Anonymous 06/26/2024 (Wed) 00:30 [Preview] No.4762 del
>If this poor man knew the flesh of the missing noble was both in the back of the cart and our stomachs...
lol at least Yulya doesnt know she ate the guy the roadmasters looking for. imagine if she did

>Niggers can't be Marquis
lmao but I agree they might have been impostors.

>She put the Rothés near the crash site meaning we might have incited them if we did.
thats actually good as Ashley said the reason we didnt stop and look for survivors are the rothé. so far so good. where we got the kids is another matter. Yulya will try the impossible and reconcile all the stories.

Tamamo 06/26/2024 (Wed) 09:39 [Preview] No.4766 del
Poor Yulya!
I'm glad Cat doesn't get interrogated like this. Yet.
Mention our experience with the rothè!

What actually happened with the chains? Are they still at the road crossing? did we hide them? I don't think we took them with us!

Anonymous 06/26/2024 (Wed) 15:53 [Preview] No.4767 del
>Sherlock Alice
wait wait wait did Alice make a mistake? she made me believe the black ranger was the noble with the plate i also assumed this bc of the ring but if I read correctly the spellsword had the plate meaning he was potentially the son of a marquis not the black guy. why the fuck did he have the masochist ring then? and who the hell was the black guy to deflect damage to the son of a marquis?

Ashley 06/26/2024 (Wed) 17:57 [Preview] No.4768 del

The spellsword had the trade plate, the white dude, he was called "the guard" the trade plate identified the white dude spellsword as the noble's son. This is all documented. Of course Joy likes to mess with our heads calling him "the guard". Also, the black guy was driving the rothés, he was a level 1 ranger, unaffiliated. He didn't even have a plate.

So consider this, black guy, trader with cart and rothés, knows this is shady, leaves his plate behind because nobility would just tell the guards "this is my man-servant". No fee. Guards don't want to make waves.

This is my theory, the noble leveled through the trade guild, look at this shady guy's spells. He hires this cart driver with OP protection to do this really super lucritive slave trade probably with forged documents, they already had confirmed forged documents they gave to the orphanage headmaster.

So they probably want to claim these are orphans being transferred so they bring all the furniture, but either hide them after they get in or set up a false front and funnel orphans into slavery.

The black guy was unidentified, we didn't find ID on him. White guy had the ID. He was also level 4 spellsword.

The ring of shared suffering: dude needs a ride, if the driver dies those rothés ain't gunna budge. They only obey their master. So if this weak ranger was hurt, then white guy is f'd.

White guy also had a skill to gain 4hp per turn, so he's gaining hp every turn. They probably expected bandits to see these slaves and thought they could handle them. Apparently they didn't expect us.

[Joy] Ashley has some factual information here. Her conjectures are not necessarily correct but they also might be. Only I know for sure.

Anonymous 06/26/2024 (Wed) 18:20 [Preview] No.4769 del
thx for clearing up that mistake so much for sherlock Alice
still fucking nuts to drive on the high road tugging kids behind in chains. adventurers are known to have a short temper when seeing injustice. and the ring too. i mean a noble must have better ways than sharing damage and pain. maybe he was a masochist. he had the potions too. he was pretty skilled though.

and why not identify as normal trader if i was the noble i had taken a fake plate for this. guards will talk about the son of a marquis from a city they already have bad relations with if he comes waltzing in dragging kids in chains. unless he has some allies in neverwinter. well had lol.

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 20:58 [Preview] No.4777 del
fffuuuu sorry mr. morningstar we didnt mean to lie to you nothing Yulya said was a lie. it was all just musing on possibilities.

so how would Ashley have handled this? oh yeah 19cha + deception does it even matter what she says?

well his dragon story doesnt make sense either. if a dragon had spooked the rothé they would have dragged the kids to death and if we had seen the dragon we would have reported it as first thing.

nothing of this makes sense and anyone not completely retarded could figure out in 2sec we are the most likely suspects. just search us and boom. but scripted event is scripted so now way out i guess. we can only hope on the goodwill of mr. morningstar and freya

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 21:25 [Preview] No.4778 del
fuck me Yulya got it
well played Ms. Joy!
yes yes a dragon actually 2 dragons spooked the rothe 2 small mechanical dragons. why didnt Ashley tell him when we first met him? would have saved us a lot of trouble.

Joy the DM 06/27/2024 (Thu) 21:29 [Preview] No.4779 del
>not lying

Yulya is giving hypotheticals to a scenario that she knows aren't how it actually happened. That's deception.

>so how would Ashley have handled this? oh yeah 19cha + deception does it even matter what she says?

It's +6 I think, so with a 13DC she could roll 7 or more and say whatever she wants within reason.

Freya, on the other hand, in addition has expertise. So Bear's team can straight up lie to everyone without much of a chance of failure. Natural 1 doesn't mean anything in this situation. She also has other interesting skills that make her impervious to deception for all but fringe cases. So even Ashley knows better than to lie to her. This road master has pretty good stats, +3.

I haven't decided how expertise can be gained yet.

>well his dragon story doesnt make sense either. if a dragon had spooked the rothé they would have dragged the kids to death and if we had seen the dragon we would have reported it as first thing.

I think you need to look between the lines there.

Let me give you another hint, certain stories will be mutually beneficial to you and the guards. So listen and picture what he's saying and doing and offering.

Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 22:31 [Preview] No.4781 del
(42.16 KB 790x560 963637.jpeg)
yeah we know what hes trying to say but that doesnt mean his fabricated story makes more sense than ours. the point is that we must have freed the kids beefore the rothé were spooked. or that they themselves must have cut the chain so their valuable goods would not get destroyed when the rothe started rampaging.

but yeah thats how it was:
strange anti-slaver dragon spooked the rothes resulting in terrible accident. we rescued the kids and the dragon took the slavers only leaving the plate behind. many such cases.

Ashley 06/27/2024 (Thu) 23:03 [Preview] No.4782 del
>many such cases.

If I had a nickel for every time that happened I'd still be broke, but you know. Truth is often stranger than fiction so this isn't that strange at all by comparison.

Freya aside, we should say as little as possible from here on out.

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 18:27 [Preview] No.4791 del
whew Yulya made it somehow. thx mr. morningstar
get in Alice we are goin to neverwinter!

lol poor freya i hope she can make sense of that text wall

Alice 06/28/2024 (Fri) 22:56 [Preview] No.4797 del
>wait wait wait did Alice make a mistake?
Oops yeah, guilty as charged!
Joy confused me with those rings. I assumed the one able to pass the damge to the other must be the boss. But my point still stands - niggers can't be marquis - or a marquis son.

Joy 06/29/2024 (Sat) 15:30 [Preview] No.4802 del
Modern problems call for modern solutions.

Anonymous 06/30/2024 (Sun) 13:28 [Preview] No.4804 del
cruel and unusual
so as long as you buy a new necklace once a week you are immortal?

Ashley 06/30/2024 (Sun) 21:56 [Preview] No.4808 del

So this is the slimegirl CP thread?

Yakumo 06/30/2024 (Sun) 23:39 [Preview] No.4811 del
You wouldn't believe what you can make the dezgo image generator spit out with the right prompts.
For science ofc

Alice 07/01/2024 (Mon) 00:06 [Preview] No.4812 del
(50.11 KB 900x720 55c1921cecbc7c4d.jpg)
Damneeeeed Ashley, you lazyasss! Listen when I'm talking to you or I'll make Yulya cut your share of the 5gp to zero! You want 12sp then do something with your high CHA and INT!

I did what I can, won't make a move or sound while guys like Brutus are on the cart!

Ashley 07/01/2024 (Mon) 01:04 [Preview] No.4814 del
(685.37 KB 220x117 nope-filthy-frank.gif)

Aren't we in deep enough already? Jesus. I appreciate the thought but I'm going to hope she sleeps through it and where are her clothes!?

"Oh hey Ashley, be my child molestation accomplice for 12sp."

If you'd discussed it with me ahead of time, I'd have thrown you off the cart for being weird.

Freya will know everything, this is a pattern of behavior that I'm trying to break and I'm trying to clean up my act, be legit you know? I decided not to be evil, I'm a summoner not a rogue.

Tamamo 07/01/2024 (Mon) 11:40 [Preview] No.4817 del
(848.59 KB 360x568 ka-ching.mp4)
Alice you doofis!
Where's the money to register the children? It's in the Lolibank and that means you took it with you under the cart!

Sheesh, Cat will have to fix everything once again.

Ashley 07/01/2024 (Mon) 14:04 [Preview] No.4819 del
(229.10 KB 640x465 2xsyss (1).jpg)

To Alice the body snatcher:

Anonymous 07/02/2024 (Tue) 08:34 [Preview] No.4820 del
lmao this is comedy gold

Alice 07/02/2024 (Tue) 21:19 [Preview] No.4827 del
(43.46 KB 720x720 806133b87f8a9.jpg)
I'm sorry I forgot I have all the money! I just wanted to save us 5gp!

Joy the DM 07/02/2024 (Tue) 21:49 [Preview] No.4828 del

I like the initiative, the other players didn't like the method.

Explicit pictures Ashley 07/02/2024 (Tue) 23:08 [Preview] No.4830 del
Alice the exhibitionist, If you want Joy to be able to work on this other than in private at home, you have to use SFW images.

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