Joy the DM 06/09/2024 (Sun) 22:59 No.4580 del
>generally assume I'm wearing the mask when in public.

Got it.

>Do bonus actions stack?

When I looked this up, it said, "You cannot use more than one Bonus Action on a single turn, no matter how many feats you have that call for the use of a Bonus Action. If you have multiple feats that must use a bonus action to be put into play, you can only use one of those feats per turn."

>My plan is to sneak up to the spellsword using stealth, use my action for shape self and engulf his head so he can't breathe. Classic slime move. Then as bonus unarmed strike grapple him using DEX bc I can.

Engulf will be considered a grapple, in this special case you can suffocate as you grapple as a single action. You may then use a bonus unarmed strike. 1+STR MOD damage, is that you understanding?

>Theoretically the pseudopod is another bonus action but I leave it to Joy if I can use 2 bonus actions.

I am not counting it as a bonus action, however, I will allow 2 bonus actions if they're reasonable, like Ashley Panther Disengage and Hide similar to Goblin Disengage and Hide bonus actions once per turn.

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