Joy the DM 06/11/2024 (Tue) 21:48 No.4599 del
>was the spellsword prone before Alices attack? you write both are prone before Alices actions occur

Something got cut paste, sorry, Alice did knock him prone so ignore that.

I love answering questions.

>Can Yulya now safely disengage without provoking an opportunity attack? they are prone and have bigger problems right now than attack her

Yes, they're on the ground, she can get away.

>what happens if Yulya uses sacred flame on the spellsword? can she accidentally hit Alice?

"Descends on a creature" makes me think of a light from above. "Flame" makes me think of fire. Either of those would affect Alice, but "a creature" is a key point, not "a 5ft square".

If it was a fire attack, Alice would be burned. It's not.

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