Alice 07/21/2024 (Sun) 22:40 No.5076 del
(12.90 KB 1260x75 Spear PHB.jpg)
(17.10 KB 612x130 Versatile PHB.jpg)
Am I speaking Chinese?
I uploaded the character sheet in my previous post

> +2 ki points back if you want them for my mistakes
Only one, I spent one for a legitimate Flurry of Blows the turn before!
I will explicitly state when I make an attack that uses ki points or dp, they keep changing the name. If not it's just the normal attack + one bonus unarmed strike, grapple or shove.

>spear 2-handed (1d8)
>There's an error here somewhere because it looks like it's 1d8 for thrown. Parenthesis is usually thrown damage, verify this.
Yes, usually!
But here 1d8 is the spear's versatile damage aka using it 2-handed. Thrown it's also 1d6.

In case my AC is still not clear, it's the monk's Unarmored Defense. 10+DEX+WIS.

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