Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 23:05:44 No.39 del
>I think you could invite some Japanese people and maybe you could turn this into sort of a Japanese meetup <3
Doubt my friends would like that.
It's someone who is a social shut in/recluse
I don't have a microphone so we can't talk but for chatting I can use steam if you get me an account.
>Show me how your city looks
Don't have a camera/smart phone
Google Ozu, Ehime if you want to look.
>You’re not depresssed are you?
No I'm not
>is it true???
It's true for about 1% of the population, people act like every person in Japan works like that, fun fact Japans average working hours are below the OECD average and most of the people who work long hours live in tokyo..